twenty four ➻〝psycho〞

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❝you're only mine, remember that.❞ beomseok whispered huskily to hyejin's ears.

the girl glared at the boy right in front of her and looked at the baby in her hands. ❝i'm not yours. we already ended our relationship years ago! beomseok, wake the fuck up from that fantasy of yours!❞

❝quiet! you're only mine kim hyejin.❞ beomseok held the girl by her hair tightly as he made her face him. ❝we're already a family jinnie. look at our son, isn't he the cutest?❞ the boy cooed as tried to touch his son's cheeks but hyejin stopped him.

❝stop it beomseok. i don't want my taeyong to grow up knowing that his father is a psycho...❞ hyejin whispered as memories of her getting raped by beomseok started playing in her mind.

❝what do you mean sweetheart? i'm not a psycho.❞ beomseok spoke softly as he started to caress the girl's cheeks softly and held her free hand. ❝i can change if you want. just let us be a family, please.❞

❝you had told me that many times before... you only got worse and started murdering innocent people who talks to me... and my parents.❞ the girl muttered under her breath. just by remembering what the boy she once loved did to her parents made her angry.

and without wasting anymore seconds, hyejin stood up from the couch with her son as she kicked the boy's sensitive area before running out of the house. ❝don't worry tae, daddy will get us.❞ hyejin whispered to her baby as she keeps on trying to dial her boyfriend's number, jaijin, while running far away from that place.

hyejin then stopped running as she was running out of breath. the girl hid behind a tree as she continued to dial her boyfriend's number. ❝jiajin!❞ the girl sighed in relief once her call finally got picked up by her boyfriend.

"hyejin, what's wrong? i went to your apartment and your brother told me you and taeyong are missing since yesterday. where are you?! are you alright? is this beomseok's doings?" jaijin bombarded her with questions and hyejin nodded as an answer.

"oh wait, i'm in a call he can't see me." the girl shook her, completely in disbelief about her dumbness. ❝beomseok kidnapped me and taeyong yesterday. jaijin, help me. i'm scared.❞

"where are you?"

❝we're not far away from beom── shh.❞ hyejin placed down her phone on the ground as she stood up and rocked back and forth to calm her wailing son.

❝kim hyejin!❞ beomseok's voice echoed around the quiet neighborhood and all that hyejin could do was cry and pray that her baby wont cry again.

"hyejin? kim hyejin answer me!" hyejin heard her boyfriend shout over the phone. the girl panicked and quickly ended the call as she did her best to hide herself and her son behind the tree.

❝i know you're behind that tree hyejin,❞ beomseok smirked after seeing taeyong's blanket peeking through their hiding place. ❝just come with me hyejin. i can give you everything you always wanted.❞

hyejin shut her eyes and tightened her hold on her son as she prepares herself to get caught by beomseok. ❝kim hyejin, i'll make you choose.❞ beomseok said.

lee yijun ➯ markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now