eighteen ➻〝auntie nari〞

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❝minho! stop doing that, that's dirty.❞

❝why did mama left us here?❞ minhyuk suddenly asked which surely made minho stop playing with the scattered trash near him and went closer to the oldest of the three.

❝yeah, why did mama and papa left us here?❞

minjun raised a brow at his younger brothers who were moving so close towards him before rolling his eyes and climbing up on one of the unoccupied benches near him. ❝come on guys, they're not our real parents. plus, they only used us to sell their so called 'medicines'.

❝hyung, are we going back to the orphanage?❞ minho quickly asked after a scene, wherein someone took one of his hyungs away from him for adoption, appeared inside his head.

minhyuk then gasps super loud as he also climbed on the bench to sit beside minjun.

❝minjun, i don't wanna go back to the orphanage and be separated from you two again! we promised to never leave each other right? that orphanage always breaks our promise! lee minjun, lee minho. i, lee minhyuk, the second oldest of us three, promise that i'll take care of you two till we get oldies like them!❞ the baby cheerfully said as he pointed at the two elders opposite from them.

❝stop talking nonsense minhyukie, we need to survive to be an oldie like them.❞ minjun rolled his eyes once again at his brother before motioning minho to also sit beside him.

the youngest of the three shook his head as he started giggling, obviously thinking of something mischievous to do. ❝hey hyungs!❞ minho shouted before sprinting off into the crowded area of the park they are at.

❝lee minho, you'll get lost!❞ the two oldest shouted as they quickly got down the bench and chased after their little mischievous brother.

❝minho stop running!❞ minjun shouted before coming onto a halt and causing for minhyuk to bumped into his back. the boy looked around him, trying to find minho in the middle of the crowded area.

❝why does minho likes to run every time he gets a chance?❞ minhyuk whined as he started getting dragged out from the crowd by minjun.

❝i don't know but minhyuk, we need to find him as fast as we can.❞

❝minjun! minhyuk! i'm over here!❞ minho shouted as he stood by the edge of the sidewalk wherein, just one wrong move and he'll end up in the road and might get run over by a car.

❝minho, get back here!❞

❝why did i even thought that this stupid plan will work? i'm such an idiot.❞ nari muttered under her breath as she walked around the park, thinking of a way to get a child from the orphanage near by.

❝i can't just go inside that orphanage and go like, "yeah, hey, i wanna adopt a kid right now." and i'll also go like, "i would like to use them for my plan" as the reason. oh i don't know anymore lee nari, maybe you should've thought all of this out in the first place. now dad and minjing will beat me up later.❞ the girl sighed as she had now started regretting for not thinking this plan through. she just told her dad and minjing that she'll adopt a kid and tell minyoung that they are hers since that girl can be such a dumbass at times whenever it comes to kids.

and if you're wondering how nari knew that, well... let's just say that minyoung and her were close back then and minyoung would tell her, her deepest secrets.

lee yijun ➯ markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now