twenty two ➻〝donghyuck's ex-girlfriend〞

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❝minyoung?❞ donghyuck furrowed at the sight of his sister walking towards their table and sat down beside him.

❝what are you doing here?❞ the boy asked and his sister shrugged.

❝is this yours?❞ minyoung asked as she pointed at the drink in front of her. donghyuck just nodded, still confused on why his sister was here.

and before donghyuck could even ask another question, minyoung had grabbed his drink and drank it. ❝hey! that's mine. buy your own.❞

❝i don't have any money. mom found out about me adopting the triplets and she grounded me for three months and cut all of my bank account cards.❞ minyoung sighed deeply and scanned the shop before her eyes landed on the girl in front of them.

❝oh... sorry i didn't see you there.❞ minyoung quickly apologized and minyoung swore that the girl looked familiar but she can't tell whom it is because the face of the girl was covered by her hair.

minyoung then scooted closer to her brother as she whispered, ❝who is she?❞

nari on the other hand, started panicking. she can't let minyoung found out who she is and if she ever does, all of nari's plans will just go down the drain.

❝she's my new friend, she's choi──❞ donghyuck started but was quickly cut by nari suddenly introducing for herself.

❝i'm choi rin.❞ nari said as donghyuck raised a brow at her. nari then just shrugged it off and fixed her hair to cover some more of her face.

❝oh, cool name you got there.❞ minyoung chuckles before scooting back closer to her brother and whispering again.

❝is that really her name?❞ she asked and donghyuck slowly shook his head as a no and that was also when minyoung decided to go and sit beside the girl, to get to 'know' her more.

❝hi, i'm lee minyoung, donghyuck's little sister.❞ the girl flopped down on the sit beside nari, startling the live out of her.

❝so, why are you hiding your face from me...❞ minyoung moved her chair closer to nari's and placed her chin on her arms that she had rested on the table while staring intently at nari.eonnie.

❝w-what?❞ nari nervously chuckled as she tried to back away from minyoung.

❝oh come on!❞ minyoung whined on her seat as she removed the hair that was covering the other girl's face.

donghyuck just stared at his sister whining and he can't help but let out a small laugh but then turned serious a second after.

❝you're lee nari. donghyuck's ex-girlfriend and lee yijun's mother.❞

❝minyoung i── i'm not lee nari and choi rin isn't actually my real name...❞ the girl awkwardly smiled. ❝my name is actually choi nari. i think you're just mistaken.❞ nari said but minyoung shook her head as she held the older girl's shoulder tightly.

"great, just great. i had fucked up big time." nari thought as she saw donghyuck looking at them weirdly while minyoung kept insisting that she's lee nari, the ex-girlfriend of her brother.

❝maybe i do...❞ minyoung then leaned on her chair's back as she crossed her arms and looked at her brother with a brow raised.

❝what chu lookin' at?❞ minyoung asked and donghyuck quickly shook his head and drank his drink.

the girl then faced nari once again with a small slight visible smirk, ❝maybe i don't.❞ minyoung said before grabbing hold of the older girl's right wrist and pulling up her jacket sleeves and revealing a scar which forms a name.

❝ha! i knew it.❞ minyoung then moved closer to nari's ears to whisper something that she doesn't want for her brother to hear. ❝i still can clearly remember when i engraved chaerin eonnie's name on this arm of yours with the knife you tried to use on me.❞ minyoung whispered and backed away after, only to see a scared look from nari's face.

❝hey hyuck, let's go. your mark and your baby yijun are waiting for you and my triplets are also waiting for me.❞ minyoung sent nari an innocent smile as she stood up from her seat and going to her brother and forcefully dragged him out of the shop.

❝listen to me donghyuck, i might be younger than you by two years but still! you need to listen,❞ minyoung took a deep breath before continuing. ❝don't ever go near that girl, ever again. she'll hurt you.❞

❝youngie, don't tell me you're jealous over a girl friend of mine.❞ donghyuck said as he wrapped an arm around his little sister's shoulder but it was only yanked away seconds after.

❝are you jealous i might treat her like my little sister more, instead of you?❞ donghyuck continued to tease and minyoung glared at him.

❝i am not jealous. mark is. wanna know why?❞

❝my baby lion is jealous?❞ donghyuck faked a gasps and minyoung could only rolled her eyes at how childish his brother looked. ❝wait, why would he?❞

❝urgh! because you're hanging out with your fucking ex-girlfriend!❞

❝huh? what do you mean? i-i don't understand you min──❞ the young male suddenly held his head and clutching his hair tightly as it started hurting him.

❝wha-what's wrong hyuck?❞ minyoung panicked as she quickly took out her phone from her pocket and dialed her driver to come and pick them up by the front of the shop as they can't go to the parking lot because of donghyuck feeling something bad.

❝m-my head h-hurts.❞ was all the words that donghyuck said before blacking out.

❝donghyuck!❞ nari's voice was heard from behind and minyoung quickly hugged her brother tightly as she slowly fell on the ground with her brother tightly secured in her arms.

❝what did you do to him?!❞ nari asked as she stood in front of minyoung while giving glares at the people who were looking at them weirdly.

❝i did nothing to my brother.❞ minyoung said as she slowly looked up at the girl who stood before them. ❝you're the one who caused him so much pain to the point he almost attempted suicide.❞

❝i don't believe you. donghyuck better not die or else i'm going to kill you just the way i killed your precious little girlfriend, seo herin.❞

❝you're one absurd psychopath!❞ minyoung shouted and a car stopped by the road in front of them and honked.

a driver then came out from the car and quickly went to minyoung and helped her carry her brother.

❝you're going to pay for all the things you did to my family and girlfriend. i will assure you that by the end of the day, you'll never get the happy ending you always wanted.❞ and with that, minyoung entered the back of the car where her brother was and just started letting out the tears she had been holding back ever since nari mentioned a name of a special someone she lost.

❝i miss you so much herin, please come back.❞ minyoung whispered silently as she looked out of the window and traced her name and her love and surrounded it by a one big heart.

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soooOoOo,,, i noticed that there isn't much markhyuck content in the last few chapters and i'm very sorry about that.

i promise, reallyyyyyyy, i promise that the next chapter will focus on markhyuck and yijun.

and also,, surprise!..? our little minyoungie aint all straight just like her brothers teehee~

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