twenty three ➻〝wake up〞

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❝hey hyung, i need your help.❞ mark said as he sat down on the couch beside taeyong who was busy admiring his small baby bump.

the older then hummed, ❝what is it?❞ taeyong asked and mark all of a sudden, stood up from his seat and faced the older with a huge grin.

❝i want to ask donghyuck to be my boyfriend!❞

❝what? aren't you two... together now? didn't you already asked him to be your boyfriend?❞ taeyong stated and the young boy sheepishly smiled.

mark then knelt down in front of taeyong as he started fake crying which really shocked taeyong. the older wasn't expecting that. ❝i know, but hyung! i was actually planning on asking him out after the ride but he just had to bring up the topic where he wants his crush to confess to him while they're inside the ferris cabin!❞

❝okay, mark, i don't get you. my brother wanted his crush, a.k.a you, to confess while you two are still inside the ferris cabin. now, you two are dating. isn't that enough? i mean, you two are already boyfriends, why ask him to be yours again?❞

❝because i want to..?❞ mark was now unsure on why he even had the idea to ask donghyuck to be his boyfriend again when they're already together. he really wanted to make the moment wherein he confesses his love for donghyuck to be remarkable but all of that went down the drain once donghyuck said that he just wanted a simple confession from his crush.

mark and donghyuck had been friends for so many years. yes, years. they became friends just when donghyuck was fourteen and mark was fifteen and it was all thanks to donghyuck's girlfriend. donghyuck's girlfriend was friends with mark's little sister and his little sister decided it was cool to introduce donghyuck to him since he had no friends, only the friends of his sisters and they're all girls.

things had been good between mark and donghyuck's friendship. they always hangout whenever donghyuck is free from his possessive girlfriend. everything was perfect but it all was broken when mark started noticing how he always admires donghyuck from afar and how his new friends, renjun and jaemin (they become friends because of donghyuck) says that he always blushes whenever donghyuck was around them.

❝hello?❞ mark was brought back to reality once he heard the worried voice of taeyong. the older was talking to someone on the phone, complete worriedness was written on his face.

❝hyung, what's wrong?❞ mark asked the older but taeyong just stared at him for some seconds before rushing out of the living room and outside of the mansion.


❝are you sure mark is really the one for our son?❞ hyejin asked her husband after pulling him out of their son's hospital room.

❝yeah i'm one hundred percent sure that our son is destined to be with mark.❞

❝well then, will he be able to handle nari's obsession for our donghyuck?❞ hyejin once again asked and just earned a weird look from her husband. the woman sighed before deciding to make her question understandable for her husband who had already lost his braincells way back when the same thing happened to hyejin's brother. ❝i mean, you know how that girl is so obsessed to be with our son, just like how her father was to me in the past.❞

❝oh come on jin, we had known mark for so long and he also had known the two for so long, i'm sure he'll be able to put an end to nari's obsession to our son.❞

lee yijun ➯ markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now