twenty seven ➻〝a baby brother〞

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❝dr.kang, h-how's my brother?!❞ taeyong quickly asked after seeing the doctor going out from the operation room. the doctor's eyes looked so sad and taeyong can't help but burst out crying as he already knew very well on what had happened to his younger brother.

the doctor then removed his mask to speak. ❝lee donghyuck's parents?❞ he asked and hyejin quickly stood up from her seat and went to the doctor.

❝doc, p-please tell me m-my son is okay.❞ hyejin cried. ❝t-that he's still a-alive.❞ the woman mumbled to herself as tears continued to run down her cheeks.

❝mam, sir... we did our best to save your son but he...❞ the doctor looked down on the floor as a sad smile formed on his lips. ❝he didn't make it and the baby.❞

mark, who had been listening to their conversation the whole time, stood up and went to the doctor. ❝and the baby? dr.kang what do you mean?❞ the boy asked.

❝donghyuck didn't told you?❞ the doctor raised a brow and mark shook his head. ❝your boyfriend was four weeks pregnant.❞ dr.kang said and the boy's eyes widen.

how can he be so dense? so that was why his boyfriend had been throwing up a lot recently. ❝i... i was going to be a father again?❞ mark mumbled to himself. the boy looked at donghyuck's mother who's a crying mess and her husband comforting her.

mark then slowly broke down as he went back to his son who was very oblivious of what was going on. how the hell would mark explain to yijun that his papa is gone? that he was gonna have a baby sibling but the baby also went with his papa? yijun only turned three years old and so much is happening to his life already.


❝daddy, when will i see papa and my baby brother again?❞ baby yijun asked for the third time that day. and yes, baby brother. yijun had come to a conclusion that his sibling who went with his papa was a baby boy.

mark forced out a smile as he stood up from the couch and carried yijun. ❝do you really want to see your papa and baby brother right now?❞ mark asked and the baby quickly nodded his head.

❝alright, let's get you change.❞ mark said as he went to donghyuck's room. after his death, mark had decided that he'll live at donghyuck's apartment with yijun as he didn't want yijun to forget about who donghyuck is in his life as he grows up. mark want his son to grow up knowing that donghyuck is his only papa and that will never change.

❝but daddy, junnie wants to wear a pink shirt!❞ the baby whined as his father grabbed a black shirt from his drawer. mark nodded and put back the black shirt in his son's drawer and got a pink one instead.

once yijun was done changing his clothes, the two went out of their house and went to the nearest bus stop. ❝let's go and meet papa now!❞ the baby exclaimed as he entered the bus with mark.

the two sat down at the very back of the bus. mark looked outside the window as he watched how their bus quickly passed by the tall buildings of seoul. yijun on the other hand got off from mark's lap and sat beside the baby that's sitting in front of them.

❝hi!❞ yijun cheerfully said and the other baby raised a brow at him.

❝my momma told me not to talk to strangers. please go back to where you are from.❞ the little girl said as she scooted closer to the girl beside her.

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