Chapter 2

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Nik, Stefan, and I walked into a large warehouse. And Nik walked over to an open coffin.

"Rebekah, it your big brother, come out come out where ever you are"

Then out of nowhere my sister came out and stabbed Nik, "Go to hell, Nik."

Nik after getting over the shock of being stabbed then pulled out the dagger, "Don't pout. You knew it wouldn't kill me."

"Yay, but I hoped it would hurt," Rebekah said still in her flapper dress.

"I understand your upset with me, Rebekah. So I am going to let that go, just this once. I brought you a peace offering. You can come int ," Nik says motioning for Stefan.

"Stefan," Rebekah says in aw

"Remember," Klaus says

"Rebekah," Stefan says as they hug.

"What am I just chopped liver?" I says appearing from around the corner.

"Sayf!" Rebekah as she runs towards me. We embraced and I just held onto her as a few tears came out of my eyes

"Hey don't cry Saf," Rebekah says.

"I'm sorry, just haven't seen family in so long," I say wiping away my tears.

"Now the reason your here," Nik says. "Gloria says you have a way to contact the original witch."

"The Original Witch?" Rebekah questions

"You have what Gloria needs," Nik says

Rebekah then reaches for her neck. "Where is my necklace? What did you do with it? I never take it off!"

"I don't know, I didn't touch it."

"Nik we need to find it."

"Tell me that is not what we need."

"We need to find it now.

"Rebekah, tell me that is not what she needs!" Nik says raising his voice. Rebekah then scrambles over to her coffin.

"Well isn't this wonderful," I say leaning on the shelve.

"Safiya, shut up!" Nik says give me a death stare.

"Do not threaten me, Niklaus."


The next day after we had all calmed down, we head out to one of my favorite stores.

"There has to be more to this dress," Rebekah says

"There's not," I say taking a sip of Nik's champagne since I had already finished off my glass.

I gave it back to him and pushed his feet off the chair  as Rebekah came out and said, "So women in the 21st-century dress  like prostitutes than."

"Yay your not wrong," I say

"I got dirty looks for wearing trousers."

"You wore trousers so women today could wear nothing," Nik says smirking.

"And what is this music? It sounds like a cable car accident."

"Its dance music," Stefan says

"People dance to this?"

"Unfortunately, sister. Unfortunately."

"Are we done?" Nik asks obviously tired of watching our sister's fashion show.

"Why are you so grumpy, Nik. You have your favorite sisters are back at your side and you're a hybrid," I say.

"I need one thing from Rebekah. Her necklace and she lost it."

"I didn't lose it. Its been missing for 90 years. So what do you think?"

"I like it," Stefan says as Rebekah turns.

"I can always tell when your lying Stefan," Rebekah says going back into the changing room.

"Good job," I say.

"He the one who pulled the dagger out of her."

"I heard that."

Obviously tired of the fashion show, Stefan gets up and says, "I going to get fresh air."

"Have fun," I say taking his glass and seat.

"What about this?' Rebekah says coming out in jean shorts and a white tank top.

"Perfect, can we go?" Nik says.

"In a minute big brother, I still have to change," I say grabbing a few things off the rack.

I soon come out in some black jeans and a nice blue, "How do I look?"

"Lovely, baby sister," Nik says with a smile because he now gets to leave

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"Lovely, baby sister," Nik says with a smile because he now gets to leave. "Let's go see if Gloria has anything."

"I am going to get someone to eat," I say, "So have fun."

After I ate 2 guys, I went back to the warehouse and found my brother, sister and Stefan having their own dinners.

"You guys were hungry," I say looking the body Rebekah has finished off and the almost finished ones that my brother and Stefan had.

"It's been a long day," Stefan says coming up for air.

"Try being related to those two," I say getting a laugh out Stefan.

"Why are being mean? And Stefan why are being mean, you used to love me," Rebekah whimpered like an injured puppy.

"Give him a break, it's has been 90 years," Nik says laughing at Rebekah's reaction.

"Why are you taking his side?"

"Because Rebekah, we all feel bad for any man who does not give you what," I say as I sit next to Nik

"Stop making me out to be a brat, I'm not a brat!"

"Thousands of years of experience says otherwise," Nik says rolling his eyes.

"You're no picnic either," Stefan says looking at Nik. "I have only spent one summer with you and I want to blow my brains out."

"Bloody Fantastic," I say with a smirk. "So what did Gloria say?"

"Some soon to be a dead girl and her soon to be dead friends have it," Rebekah says.


"Rebekah!" Nik says obviously getting annoyed with her attitude. "So how was your time away? I was starting to think that you were lost."

"Go screw yourself, you bloody wanker!"

"What's with the anger, can't take what you dish out?" Nik say. I just stare at him with no response.

"How long are you going to mad, Sayf?" Nik asks again without a response

"Rebekah, Stefan, will you please excuse me and Sayfia," Nik says forcing me to link our arms together and stand

We leave the warehouse and me and Nik walk down the street in silence.

"What happened to you Saf?" Nik says breaking the silence.

"What do you mean, Nik?"

"You were always hopeful and happy."

"Nik, I given up on the idea of happiness. I am just done. I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop with you. I've been betrayed by too many people I love in my life." I say walking over the water.

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