Chapter 2

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Megan's POV:

I pull out of my trance when someone puts their hand on my shoulder, I look up to see Alex looking down on me with concern.

"Hey, you alright?" He asks me. I silently nod.

He smiles. "Well, I just finished my meeting with my parents."

"How's being Ben's Royal Advisor? Exciting?" I ask him. He nods his head.

"Yes, it is. Although, it will take a lot of time and effort, but that just makes it worth it. You know what I mean?" He replies.

"Yep." I reply, he pulls me into a hug and places a kiss on my forehead.

"Alex!" A voice calls, we turn to see Ben. He points to his watch, Alex looks down to his own and sighs.

"Look, we've got a meeting and we can't be late. See you later, we have our date later, remember?" Alex says to me.

"Yep, I remember. See you at four." I reply. He pulls a face.

"Actually, I've got to see Fairy godmother then. Can we move it back to five?" Alex asks.

"Sure." I reply, but he doesn't notice the unhappiness behind it. He gives me a final kiss goodbye and walks off towards Ben. I look down to my middle finger and see the crown ring he gave me not too long ago.

~ Flashback-Megan's POV~

Alex and I are dancing in dance class, which unfortunately us Villain Kids were forced to take.

"You're actually an alright dancer." Alex comments to me, making me laugh. I look up to him in happiness.

"Not so bad yourself." I tell him, he laughs. I look away to see Jay trip over his own feet and fall to the floor, we all laugh.

After the class ends, Alex and I walk along a river, walking hand-in-hand looking into the beautiful scenery. We sit on a bench, and I lean into his chest.

"I love you." Alex says to me. I look up into his eyes.

"I love you too." I reply, he smiles and leans down. Our lips come together, and we have a moment. When we pull apart, he reaches into his pocket.

"I have a gift for you." He says, he takes out a ring from his pocket.

"Oh, Alex, it's beautiful." I tell him, as I put it on my middle finger. "What's the occasion?" I ask.

"Well, as you know I'm becoming Ben's Royal Advisor, and unfortunately that means there might not be as much time for us to spend together. But I want you to know that I will spend every moment I can with you." He replies. I smile to him.

"Promise?" I ask.

"I promise." He says, interlocking his pinky-finger with mine.

~End of flashback~

I walk back to school and go straight to my room. As I enter, I feel the need to express how I feel. I wave my hand and make a guitar appear. I sit on my bed with a sigh. I thought being with Alex would be so different to what it truly it. I thought he would be there like he promised. But I guess even kids of heroes don't keep their promises.

"We are searchlights, we can see in the dark
We are rockets, pointed up at the stars
We are billions of beautiful hearts
And you sold us down the river too far

What about us?
What about all the times you said you had the answers?
What about us?
What about all the broken happy ever afters?
What about us?
What about all the plans that ended in disaster?
What about love? What about trust?
What about us?

We are problems that want to be solved
We are children that need to be loved
We were willin', we came when you called
But, man, you fooled us, enough is enough, oh

What about us?
What about all the times you said you had the answers?
What about us?
What about all the broken happy ever afters?
Oh, what about us?
What about all the plans that ended in disaster?
Oh, what about love? What about trust?
What about us?

Oh, what about us?
What about all the plans that ended in disaster?
What about love? What about trust?
What about us?

Sticks and stones, they may break these bones
But then I'll be ready, are you ready?
It's the start of us, waking up, come on
Are you ready? I'll be ready
I don't want control, I want to let go
Are you ready? I'll be ready
'Cause now it's time to let them know
We are ready, what about us?

What about us?
What about all the times you said you had the answers?
So what about us?
What about all the broken happy ever afters?
Oh, what about us?
What about all the plans that ended in disaster?
Oh, what about love? What about trust?
What about us?

What about us?
What about us?
What about us?
What about us?
What about us?
What about us?"

"Are you regretting staying as much as I am?" A voice says from behind me as I finish, I spin around to see Mal standing there. I look to my twin and silently nod. "Glad to know someone else is feeling it too." She says. I look to her and then I look towards my leather jacket from the Isle, hanging against my wardrobe door. I feel my eyes go purple, and a pull makes my head go backwards, but I control myself. I look back towards Mal, and see her spaced out.

"If you don't do a fitting for your dress, you will be dancing in your bathrobe." Evie announces as she walks into my room. She grabs the guitar and puts it on the bed, she then grabs my wrist and pulls me from my own room into hers.

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