Chapter 11

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Third Person POV: Auradon:

"Jay, keys!" Ben whisper-shouts to Jay.

"Keys!" Jay replies, throwing Ben the keys. The group of four boys and one girl were rushing down the outside steps to sneak out one of the limos, so they could get to the Isle of the Lost. Each were in their 'Isle outfits'

"Something's wrong." Evie says, they all turn to her, expecting the worst. But she just leans forwards and fixes Alex's beanie. The boys roll their eyes at her behaviour, and then make their way to the car.

"Shotgun!" A voice shouts, everyone turns to see Dude on the steps.

"No, Dude, stay! The Isle is way too dangerous!" Carlos says. Dude whimpers, while the others look in shock.

"Did he just-?" Jay asks.

"Talk? Yeah. I know. I'll explain later." Carlos replies. They all snap out of their shocked states.

"Let's go." Ben says.

"Yeah." Alex adds and together they all make their way to the limo.

"Okay. Once we cross the bridge, park under the pier in the old garage." Evie says to Jay. "Got it?"

"Got it." Jay replies, and then he starts driving. Once he parks where Evie says, they then all climb out the car.

"Ben, help me with the tarp. Alex, you too." Carlos says, pointing to some tarp a short distance away. The three throw the tarp over to the other side, where Jay and Evie spread it over the car. Jay walks over to Evie while the others gtab another sheet,

"It's really weird being back here." Evie says to Jay.

"We'll get in and get out." Jay replies to her, she nods. They then place another sheet over the car. While the Villain kids do that, Alex and Ben walk over to what seems to be a large pipe.

"Hey, what's in here?" Ben asks.

"Ben, Alex." Carlos says, going up to them.

"You don't wanna know." Jay says, putting a hand on their arm. Evie then makes sure they follow her as they walk away.

"Guys. Keep it chill, all right? Last thing we need is our parents figuring out we're here." Carlos says to them. The others nod, and together they walk through the streets of the Isle.

"Hey, stop. Stop!" Evie shouts, as two kids jump her and try to take her wallet. Evie grabs their arms and looks into their eyes, she sees their youth and their desperation. Carlos and Jay turn back to see her frozen and looking at them. "Just take it." At this the boys smile, they then run off together. Evie turns to see Carlos and Jay watching her, but she notices the missing two figures. "Ben, Alex."

Ben and Alex, not noticing the others had stopped behind them, kept walking through the streets. They then came across a young man leaning against a pole, dressed like a pirate. Ben went to shake his hand, making the pirate grunt at them and stalk towards them.

"Ben, stop. Just stop." Evie says, while Carlos challenges the pirate, making him back away.

"Why?" Ben asks.

"This isn't a parade, it's the Isle." Evie replies.

"Keep your hands in your pockets unless you're stealing." Jay orders.

"You wither slouch or strut." Carlos adds.

"And never ever smile." Evie adds.

"Okay. Thank-" Ben starts,.

"No thank you and drop the please too. Just chill." Evie says. Then she puts an arm on her shoulder, and the singing begins.

EVIE: Let me tell you something you can really trust
Everybody's got a wicked side
I know you think that you can never be like us
Watch and learn so you can get it right

ALL: You need to drag your feet
You need to nod your head
You need to lean back
Slip through the cracks
You need to not care
CARLOS: Uh, you need to not stare
ALL: You need a whole lot of help
EVIE: You need to not be yourself

EVIE: You wanna be cool?
Let me show you how
You don't break the rules
I can show you how
And once you catch this feeling
ALL: And once you catch this feeling
You'll be chillin', chillin', oh
Chillin' like a villain (chillin')
Chillin' like a villain (chillin')
Chillin' like a villain (hey)
Chillin' like a, chillin' like a (hey), villain

EVIE:You get attention when you act like that
Let us teach you how to disappear
You look like you would lose a fight to an alley cat
You gotta be wrong to get it right 'round here

ALL: You need to watch your back
You need to creep around
You need to slide real smooth
Don't make a sound
And if you want it, take it
And if you can't take it, break it
If you care about your health
EVIE: Seriously, you need to not be yourself

EVIE: You wanna be cool?
Let me show you how
You don't break the rules
I can show you how
And once you catch this feeling
ALL: And once you catch this feeling
You'll be chillin', chillin', oh
Chillin' like a villain (chillin')
Chillin' like a villain (chillin')
Chillin' like a

BEN: I really wanna be bad a lot
And I'm giving it my best shot
ALEX: But it's hard being what I'm not
CARLOS: Well if you don't, you're gonna get us caught
EVIE: He's right, we gotta stay low-key
Now show us how bad you can be
BEN: Like this? (yeah, yeah, yeah)
ALEX: Like this? (yeah, yeah)
BEN: Oh yeah, I think I got this
ALEX: Let's go, I'm ready to rock this
BEN AND ALEX: And I ain't gonna thank you for your help
I think I found the worst in myself

EVIE: You wanna be cool?
Let me show you how
You need to break the rules
I can show you how
And once you catch this feeling
ALL: And once you catch this feeling
You'll be chillin', chillin', oh
Chillin' like a villain (chillin')
Chillin' like a villain (chillin')
Chillin' like a villain (chillin')
Chillin' like a villain (chillin')
Chillin' like a villain"

After finishing the musical number, Ben and Alex keep walking down the street, humming the song. That is until he bumps into someone. Gil, son of Gaston, looks towards the two boys he bumped into (now joined by the others).

"Hey, man. Hey." Gil says. "Hey, I know you." He says pointing to Ben.

"Uh no. Don't know you either man." Ben replies.

"Uh, yeah you do." Gil replies. "Come on, man, really? Huh? Dude, I'll give you a hint. My dad is quick, slick and his neck is incredibly thick. Come on, man, I-" But then Gil trails off after seeing the posters for Cotillion on the walls behind them. He points to the poster, then back to the boys, then back to the poster, then back to the boys. "Oh, you're King Ben and Royal Advisor Alex."

"Okay." Evie says, pushing Ben and Alex away.

"I don't think so." Alex says.

"Yeah. You totally are King Ben and royal Advisor Alex." Gil says. "And you're Jay, Carlos, Evie. Hey, guys." It then clicks in his head properly, who he actually saw. "Ah... Uma's gonna love this." He then runs off to tell Uma. 

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