Chapter 22

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Megan's POV:

I feel helpless in the trance I'm in. As Harry and Uma escort me to my dorm. Once we get in, they turn to me.

"Before all this plays out, we just want to say sorry. You truly are our friend, but we couldn't just have one distraction we needed two, and I'm afraid that's where you come into this." Uma says to me. I look to her, but I can't say anything. I can only say what my 'true-love' wants me to say.

"Is she always gonna be this silent?" Harry asks Uma.

"That's up to you. She will say what you want her to." Uma replies. "If you want her to speak her mind, then you just have to allow her to."

"How do I allow her to?" Harry asks.

"Just look at her and will it." Uma replies. With this Harry looks at me, and then I feel something unlocking.

"I was your friend." I say to them, their face holds guilt. "How could you do this to me?"

"Because we needed a distraction, if it was anyone else we would have done it with no explanation. But because we care about you, we just want you to know that we still love you." Uma says.

"By destroying my happiness? I was able to look over the fact that you abducted my friend. But now you come and cast a spell on me?" I ask.

"We're sorry, love." Harry says.

"Don't call me that." I say to him. He looks to me and I feel the restrictions come back. I glare at him, but then he makes my glare go soft. There is then a knock on the door, their heads snap to it.

"Time to play your part, Harry. You control what she says." Uma says, as they hide in the bathroom. He commands me to walk to the door, and as I open it, there stands Evie.

"Hey, Evie." I say. Inside my head I'm screaming. 'PLEASE HELP ME', but nothing comes out.

"Hey, M." She replies, she then holds up a black bag. "Here's your dress, at the bottom of the bag is your shoes, and here's a tiara." She hands them over, I take them.

"Thank you." I say to her. She nods.

"I would love to stay and see your reaction but I've got other dresses to deliver. See you later, okay?" She asks. I nod and then close the door. My chance at someone noticing before cotillion is gone. Once the door is closed, Uma and Harry come back out.

"Well done." Uma says. She then takes the dress and hangs it on the door. She opens it and then takes out the shoes. "We should start getting ready." I glare to her, Harry notices and hightens the restrictions.

"Get ready, love." He says to me. I look to him and nod. I start off by doing my nails, and then I have a shower and prepare my hair. I'm in the bathroom, but I can hear the other talking. Their making the plan for my entrance. You see I enter the place, by announcement, before Mal. Then Mal, Alex and lastly Ben. I look down at my necklace, and I notice that it's not glowing, meaning that this spell has blocked my magic. I sigh, so I can't even use my magic to connect with someone. I decide to put my necklace on the top of my outfit, hoping that someone will notice that it's not glowing.

"We'll just have to have the Royal Advisor come down normally, and then once Ben introduces me, then you make Meg say to her boyfriend that she doesn't like him anymore. Then you come out the shadows and she comes to you. Then it will be us four in the centre." Uma plans.

"Ye' know, I can feel the anger coming off of her." Harry says. Well I hope he does, because there's plenty of it.

"She'll understand. We just want the freedom from the Isle." Uma replies. I then slip on my dress. Once the dress is on, I then start on my makeup.

"Ye' almost done yet?" Harry asks.

"Nearly." I say back.

"Why do girls take so long?" He asks.

"Because we actually want to look nice." I reply.

"What have ye' got left ter do?" He asks.

"Lips and tiara." I reply. I hear him huff. I roll my eyes and then finish getting ready. "Don't get your knickers in a twist, I'm done."

"'bout time." He replies.

"Haha." I reply sarcastically. I then open the bathroom door and walk out. Their eyes snap to me, and their mouths drop.

"Wow, Meg..." Uma starts,

"Ye' look great." Harry says.

"Thanks. Still not a fan of the green." I reply. There is then a knock on the door, I see Harry look to me to gain control again. I huff in my head.

"Who is it?" I ask.

"It's Lumière." The French voice replies.

"How can I help?" I say, I look at Harry. Seriously this isn't how I would act. I would open the door. "Sorry, I would come to the door, I'm just attempting to sort my dress out."

"That's alright. I was just sent to tell you that you should start making your way to the boat." He replies.

"Alright, thank you." I reply.

"No problem." He replies, then we hear him walk away. They then make sure themselves are ready. Uma is wearing a pretty blue dress, and her braided hair is up in a bun. 

And Harry is wearing a red suit, and his hair looks neat

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And Harry is wearing a red suit, and his hair looks neat. He's lost the hook and the pirate hat.

 He's lost the hook and the pirate hat

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"Ready, love?" He asks. I go to reply, but he forces words out my mouth.

"Of course, my love." I reply, with a smile. I seriously hate this. I just hope that someone will be able to break the spell.

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