Chapter 14

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Megan's POV:

"Alex?" I ask, trying to control my emotions. I can feel the sadness bubbling up and the lump rising in my throat.

"Look, please just let me talk." He says. I nod silently. He takes a step closer, making me take one back. He sees this and stops. "Look, Meg. I'm so sorry about our fight. It was all my fault, I should have seen the pressure you were under. And if I'm honest to myself, I should have been there for you. I spent too much time doing my duties as Royal Advisor, that I forgot that you needed help fitting in. As much as I hate the fact that you lied to me, you had good intentions behind it. Rather than using your magic for evil, you used it to try and do right by me and fit in. Please come home." He holds out the crown ring towards me. I sigh and step closer to him.

"Alex, I am home." I say to him. "Well it's not a complete home, but there are parts in each place that makes them feel like home to me. I don't fit in in Auradon, I gave it my best shot. If you think I will be able to be like one of those Ladies in the Court, then you're wrong."

"Then I'll change, I'll skip school, I'll blow off some of my Royal Advisor Duties, we could have fun." He replies.

"No, can't you see. I'm such a bad influence on you. It's not you that will ever need to change, it's me. It's only a matter of time before I do something that's so awful, that the Kingdom turns on you, and I can't have that. I'm fine with them turning on me, but you? No, you don't deserve that." I reply.

"Don't quit us, Meg." He says, taking my hand and putting the ring into it. "The people love you. I love you. Do you love me?"

"My feelings don't matter right now. I need to take myself out of the picture. Because it's what's best for you and for Auradon." I say- shaky voice as my emotions attempt to come out-, taking the ring and putting it into his jacket pocket.

"Meg, please-" He says, stepping towards me. I step backwards.

"No, Alex. I'm doing what's best for you, as I always will. Please just go." I say to him. His face holds heartbreak, which I'm sure mirrors on my face.

"Please, Meg. I can't do this without you. You have been my anchor this whole time. You bring out the better person in me, you make me see a world worth living in. My world isn't complete without you in it." He replies, tears streaming down his face. I take a shaky breath.

"Neither is mine. But I need you to be able to function and get over me. Move on, find yourself a nice girl- one who doesn't hold you back." I reply.

"I don't want a nice girl, you are the only girl I want to be with. It doesn't matter if you're not a lady, because you are perfect. All of your imperfections, they make you who you are." He replies.

"Those imperfections are what's going to make the world hate you." I reply.

"I don't care. Because I love them. I love the way that your eyes glow purple when your angry. I love the way that your bright hair lights up your face. I love the way that you aren't worried about what other people think. I love that you care about me over yourself. I love the way your eyes light up at the simple things in life, like strawberries or grapes. I love the way that you adore your friends, the way that you put yourself above all of them. You care for Carlos and Jay like they are your brothers, and I know that you would do anything for them. You care for Evie like she's your sister, and I know that you would protect her from anyone who hurts her. You care for Mal not because she's your sister, but because she's your other half, she completes you and you complete her. Even though you haven't been friends for long, you care about Ben like he's your brother, Doug like he's your brother, Jane like she's your sister, Lonnie like she's your sister. You care about Fairy Godmother, Belle, and even my own mother like they are your own mothers- and even though they don't see it- I see the love in your eyes when you talk to them. I see the compassion on your face when you talk to Adam or my father. You have so many people you care about, but you won't open your eyes and see that they care for you just as much as you care for them." He rambles, getting passionate and gaining strength in his voice. As he goes through his speech, I feel the tears falling down my face. After he finishes, he looks to me an sees the tears, he steps forwards and wipes the tears from my face with his thumb. "And you may not like to admit it, but you care for me as much as I care for you."

"I-I can't." I stutter out. He looks to me, still in heartbreak. "You need to understand that I'm doing this for you."

"I don't want you to do this for me, I want you to look inside yourself and do what is right for you. Right for us." He replies, taking my hand.

"I can't. The point of a relationship is not to be selfish, and for that I need to empathise with you, or do everything in my power to do what's best for you." I reply. "I'm sorry, Alex. But I need you to leave."

"I won't leave without you." He says back.

"Then I'll leave." I say, stepping backwards from him. I then walk to the edge of the roof and see a lower point I can jump to.

"Please, Meg. I love you." He says. I look to him, a final tear rushes down my cheek.

"I'm sorry." I reply, his tears fall. But then I jump from the building and do a front flip- landing on the lower roof. I then flip off that to land safely on the floor. I look back up to the roof to see him looking down on me. "I love you too." I whisper into the wind. I then walk down the streets of the Isle, tear streaks still on my face.

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