Chapter 17

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Mal's POV:

After watching Meg go back into the shop, I then walk out and go to the hangout. When I get there I tell them about the loss and what we have to give to Uma.

"There's no way we're gonna give Uma the wand." Evie says. While I pace. "We can't just let her destroy Auradon."

"Uma doesn't get the wand, then Ben is toast guys." Carlos says.

"Great, so we're going to give Uma, of all people, the wand." Evie says.

"Where's Meg?" Alex asks, while the others argue. I look to him.

"She said she had something to do, she just told me not to leave the Isle without her." I reply.

"Did you talk to her, before all this?" Carlos asks him. He nods.

"Yeah, it didn't go so well." He replies.

"Oh, sorry bro." Carlos replies. There is then a noise from behind us, and we all jump and turn to see Meg climbing through the window.

"Jesus, Diva. You made us jump." Jay says.

"Aww, sorry Jay." She replies, coming through. She then approaches us. "Right, what's the plan?" She asks.

"Well what other choice is there but to give her the wand?" Carlos replies. I go back to pacing, and I can see the wheels turning in Meg's head.

"What?" I ask her. Everyone looks to see her deep in thought. "Meg?" I say shaking her. She snaps back to it.

"Oh sorry." She mumbles.

"What were you thinking?" I ask her.

"Nothing, it wouldn't work." She replies. I look to her. "I was thinking of distractions, like smoke bombs. But then there's still the issue with the wand. Which we can't exactly..." She then trails off. "Oh!" She suddenly exclaims. "Carlos, your 3-D printer!"

"A phoney wand." Carlos says.

"Yes." I say.

"In my sleep." Carlos says.

"Yeah, but the second she tests it she'll know it's fake." Evie says.

"That's where the smoke bombs come in." Meg says.

"Yes, we'll use it as a diversion to get Ben out really fast." I say.

"Yes, I'll get the chemicals I need from Lady Tremaine's place." Evie says, she then walks over to myself and Meg. "Oh, and sick hair by the way. Evil Stepmom seriously stepped up her game."

"You wanna know something, Dizzy did this." Meg and I say in unison.

"Little Dizzy? Shut up." Evie replies.

"I know. We're loving it." Meg and I say.

"Mines a lot lighter." I say.

"And I'm loving the two tones." Meg says, looking at her own.

"I'm really proud of her." Evie says.

"Yeah, us too-" Meg and I say. But then Jay clears his throat. We turn to see the three boys watching us with a 'really?' look.

"Hello?" Carlos says.

"Right." Evie says, turning back to attention.

"Not the time to be discussing hair, got it." Meg says.

"Right, Carlos, Jay, Alex, you guys meet us at Pirates Bay, no later then noon." I tell them.

"I'll go with them." Meg says.

"Yeah?" I ask, she nods.

"Okay, and you guys, losing, not an option." I say.

"Cos' we're rotten..." Meg and I say in unison.

"To the core." We all finishes together, except Alex. We then go our separate ways.

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