Chapter 10

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Megan's POV:

Mal and I walk to 'Lady Tremaine's Curl up and Dye' but notice that there's the sign that says they open at midnight. We look to each other, and enter the shop anyway. As we get in there, we are met with the sight of Drizella's daughter, Dizzy, sweeping the floors, humming to her music.

"Mal! Megan!" Dizzy exclaims as she sees us. "Is Evie back too?"

"As if." We reply, with a scoff.

"We forgot that you don't open till midnight." Mal says, we enter as Dizzy nods.

"Place looks good." I comment, looking at the bright and colourful room.

"So, what is your deal?" Mal asks.

"Has your grandmother given you any customers yet?" I ask.

"Just a witch here and there." She replies. "Mostly it's a lot of scrubbing and scouring and sweeping. Lots and lots of sweeping."

"Sounds like the old Cinderella treatment." Mal comments.

"Yeah, she's gone from wicked step mother to wicked grandmother." Dizzy replies.

"That's not much of a switch." I say. She shakes her head.

"Hey Dizzy, you used to do Evie, right?" Mal asks.

"Yeah, I came up with little braid." Dizzy replies.

"You have any ideas for us?" Mal and I ask in unison. Dizzy looks to us, she starts with Mal. She walks up to her and picks up a lock of her hair.

"The washed out blonde with purple tips. Best of no worlds, you can barely see where your face ends and your hair begins. Ug, what is this? Bored to death pink?" Dizzy asks, pulling Mal to a chair and examining her nail polish. She then moves to me. "Brown hair with faded pink. Really not your style, your style is bright and beautiful. What is this colour? Nude? Not noticeable enough." She says, bringing me to a chair and looking at my hair and nails. She turns our chairs around. "Hmm. How far can I go?" She asks us.

"The works." We say in unison.

"I mean, whatever makes us feel like us, but you know..." Mal starts.

"Way worse." I finish with a smirk.

"Yay!" Dizzy exclaims. She then gets started straight away. She starts with our hair and colours it. Then while our hair is drying,  she does our nails.

"Hey Dizzy, can I ask you something?" I ask her. She nods. "As Mal and I were walking through the streets, we looked at the posters for Cotillion, and I noticed that no one had drawn on myself. Is there a reason for that?" Mal nods in agreement, like she also wanted to know the answer to this.

"Oh, right. It's because of Uma." Dizzy replies.

"Uma?" Mal asks.

"Yeah, she still misses you, Meg. Everyone knows that they would be on the other side of her wrath if they did anything against you. She really cares for you and still wants her on her crew." Dizzy explains.

"Oh, wow. Thanks, Dizzy." I reply. She nods and goes back to doing our nails. But I can't help but miss Uma as well. There was a time when we were the best of friends, but then mom came in between us.


"Bye, Uma. I'll see you tomorrow." I say as we hug goodbye, and I walk towards the door of my home.

"Bye, Meg." She replies, walking away to her own house. As I enter the room, mom is there waiting for me in the living room.

"Megan, come here." She says. I put my bag on the floor and walk over to her.

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