Chapter 9

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Third Person's POV: Auradon

Ben and Alex are sitting in their shared office, doing general work surrounding the Cotillion. Neither knowing that their girlfriends had just left their Kingdom and gone back home. Ben leans forwards and presses the speaker on his phone.

"Debra?" Ben asks through the phone.

"Yes, Your Majesty?" The woman replies.

"Can you have Lumière to call us regarding Cotillion?" He asks.

"Yes, Sir." She replies.

"Thank you." Alex says, Ben then hangs up the phone and then goes back to working. As the pair go back to their work, they can't help think about their disastrous dates. They had spoken to each other, and realised that they seemed to go as bad as each other, although it seemed Megan and Alex's argument was worse than Ben and Mal's. Alex knew that he needed to go and talk to her from the moment she walked away, but he knew that they both needed some time to cool off. There is then a knock at the door and the two boys look up to see Evie.

"Ben? Alex?" Evie says, they both stand from their chairs.

"Evie, come in." Ben says kindly, a smile on his face. She closes the door and looks to him, heartbreak in her eyes.

"Mal and Megan have gone back to the Isle." Evie tells the pair. At that their smiles turn to heartbreak. Evie walks forwards and hands each boy the letter written for them. They both take them and read their letter, both of their hearts breaking.

"Ben... Alex..." Evie says, the boys look to her. She holds out her hands, and in each are the rings that their girlfriends had been given from them. They both look to them in sorrow.

"This is all my fault. I blew it." Alex says.

"They were both under so much pressure. Mal tried to tell me and instead of being understanding, I went all Beast on her." Ben adds, leaning against his desk.

"We have to go there and apologise." Alex suddenly says, Ben nods in agreement.

"We have to go and beg them to come back." Ben adds.

"Guys, you'll never find her. You need to know the Isle and how it works, and... You need to take me with you." Evie says.

"Yes." Ben exclaims, turning to face her.

"You sure?" Alex asks.

"Yeah, they're my best friends. And we'll take the boys too, because there's safety in numbers and none of us are really popular over there." Evie replies, but she fiddles with her hands in nerves.

"Thank you." They both say. Evie turns back to face them.

"But we need to get three things straight." Evie replies, they nod.

"You have to promise me that I won't get stuck there again." She says.

"We promise." We reply in unison.

"Okay. Look, when we go over there you might see sides of the girls that you have never seen before. Especially you Alex, there was a time before we came here, that Megan was different. She was hanging with a different crowd, this crowd made her act completely different and changed her. They are both heart broken, but Mal will go back with no one but her sister, but Megan she has someone she can go back to." Evie explains, looking to Alex mainly.

"What do you mean?" Alex asks her.

"Megan has always been unpredictable when emotions got in the way, and right now she's heart broken. I'm not going to say what I think she's done, because it's not my place to say. She might not have even done it, but you need to understand that she loves you and she's hurting." Evie says. "Can you understand?"

"Yeah, I kind of understand." He replies.

"And there's no way you're going dressed like that." Evie finishes, and the boys both look down to their suits.

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