Chapter 5

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Megan's POV:

I go to my room to get changed back into my outfit, and then I make my way to Mal's room. Where we said we would make Carlos a spell for him. As I get there, we look to the book together and we make the spell. I look to the small gummy in shock.

"Let's go give it to him." I say, she nods and together we walk through the halls. But as we go, many reporters start to rush up to us, asking us annoying questions. We finally get to Carlos' room, and we push the door shut. We lock it and start pacing back and forth. We hear the TV going in the background, about the same old 'Royal dining, and becoming a Lady of the Court'. I look to it in anger, and I grab the TV remote and aggressively push the button to turn it off. I then go back to pacing with Mal. But then I feel a pull on my evil side, and my eyes turn purple and my head leans back.

"Whoa, easy girls." Carlos comments from his bed.

"What? You think this is so easy?" Mal and I ask, yelling in annoyance.

"You don't have people taking photos of you, and sticking a camera in your face-"

"Every time you open your mouth to say 'boo'." Mal adds.

"I mean, it's not that we could even say 'boo' but, you know..." I trail off.

"I'm sorry." He says quietly.

"Carlos, don't you ever miss screaming at people and just making them run away from you?" Mal and I ask.

"You're thinking of my mother. And I was usually on the other end of that, so not really." Carlos replies. I sigh and look to the floor, it looks like it's just myself and Mal that are missing our old ways. "Oh, hey. Did you bring it?" We nod and Mal goes to bring it out of the pot, but then we are interrupted by the door opening. Chad makes his way into the room, and closes the door quietly- not turning around to see that we are in here watching him. He does a celebratory move, where he throws up the key and catches it. But as he turns around, he spots us.

"Hi. I just came to use your 3-D printer. Won't be a sec." Chad says.

"How did you get a key to my room?" Carlos asks.

"Oh, I printed it last time I was in here." Chad replies, he sees the confusion on Carlos' face. "You guys were sleeping. Look, I just... Your printer is so much better than mine. When you install all those hacks and everything runs so much smoother than mine."

"Out, Chad!" Carlos orders.

"Fine, fine." Chad says, turning towards the door.

"Chad?" Carlos calls. He turns back around.

"What?" He asks.

"Leave the key." Carlos orders. Chad huffs and puts the key on the table. Then leaves the room, with an aggressive slam of the door.

"Mal? Meg?" Carlos' voice asks, bringing me out of my trance. We hum in acknowledgement. "My potion."

"Oh right." I say. Mal then takes it out of the pot and holds it up.

"So, this thing will make me say what I really feel to Jane?" Carlos asks.

"Well, it is a truth gummy, so yeah." Mal says.

"Perfect." He says. He goes to take it, but I stop him.

"Hold on though. Are you sure you want to take this? Because it will make you say the truth all the time, no matter what. The only reason that I'm asking is because I know that if I took this right now, I would be sent right back to the Isle. Not that that sound super unappealing but, you know..." I say.

"Yeah." Carlos replies. "I'll take my chances, I guess."

"Okay." Mal says, and she lowers her hand to her side, I can tell she is thinking about what I said. But then Dude comes towards Mal, and eats the gummy from her hand. "Oh, bad dog."

"Man, that thing was nasty." Dude says. I gasp, along with the others. "And you? You just gotta man up. And while you're at it, scratch my butt."

"You heard him." I say.

"Scratch his butt." Mal adds, and we turn and walk away.

"Mal, Meg? You're just going to leave me with this?" Carlos asks, but we leave through the door.

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