Chapter 16

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Megan's POV:

"If you guys had never brought him here, this never would have happened." Mal says, directing it to the others, annoyed. "What were you thinking?!"

"He was gonna come with or without us. They both were." Evie says, gesturing to Alex. "We just wanted to protect them."

"Yeah. And we completely blew it." Carlos says.

"Okay. Okay. So, what are we gonna do?" Jay says, stopping the fighting.

"We are not doing anything." Mal says, gesturing to the group. "This is between Uma and me, and she's a punk and guess what, now I have to go get him."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Mal you're still gonna have to go through Harry Hook and his wharf rats." Carlos says.

"Yeah, you're gonna need us." Jay says.

"Uma said to come alone, other than Meg." Mal replies.

"Mal, come on." Evie says.

"She said to come alone." Carlos says. "I know one thing, I'm not going anywhere." He then sits on the couch.

"We'll be here when you get back." Jay says. I look to them and point to Alex.

"Look after him." I say to them. They nod and Alex looks offended.

"I can take care of myself." He says. I roll my eyes and look to the others.

"Promise me." I say.

"We promise." They all mumble, and then I nod and follow Mal. As we get to the Chip Shop, Mal enters dramatically- so I stand outside and wait for her to finish her 'entrance'. She pushes both doors open and stands, when Uma sees her, she smirks.

"I'm back." Mal says, sing-song like.

"Loser, party of one. Right this way please." Uma says, pushing a chair towards Mal. Mal catches it and sits on it. Once she sits I then walk in. Uma looks from Mal to me. "I thought I said to come alone." Uma says.

"Easy, Uma. I'm here to see Harry." I say with a smile. She smiles back and nods, focusing back on Mal.

"Place still stinks." Mal says.

"Oh, I'm sorry. We're down a butler today. Princess." Uma says.

"Where is he?" Mal asks.

"You know, I've dreamed of this." Uma says. "You wanting something from me and me watching you squirm like a worm on a hook."

"I'm so flattered you dream of me. I haven't given you a thought since I left." Mal replies. Uma slams her hands on the table.

"Obviously, you have your perfect little life, don't you?" Uma says, she then turns to the people in the shop. "Doesn't she have the perfect little life!" They all yell in agreement. "And we're 20 years into a garbage strike."

"Listen, if you have some kind of score to settle with me, game on. I see no need to bring Ben into this." Mal says.

"I agree, it is a little unnecessary. But it is so much fun." Uma replies. "Here's the deal."

"Just like your mother, always a catch." Mal says. Uma then grabs another chair and sits opposite Mal. She puts her hand in the arm-wrestle position. "If you win, Ben's free to go." Mal then gets in position. "Don't you wanna know what I get if I win?"

"Still dreaming." Mal says.

"Mmmm, last time I checked, your mother thought she had things all sewn up, too, huh?" Uma replies, as they grip hands. "How'd that work out for her again?"

"On three." I say. "One, two, three." Then the wrestle begins.

"You know, that whole princess act, I never brought it for a second. You can stick a tiara on a villain, but you're still a villain." Uma says.

"And you can slap a pirate hat on, but you're still Shrimpy." Mal says, making Uma's hand slip a little. Mal's eyes turn green, as she pushes Uma's hand further and further. But Uma smirks.

"If I win, you bring me the wand." Uma says, making Mal's concentration go out the window, and Uma manages to smash down Mal's hand. Everyone in the shop cheers in victory. Uma, after having a celebratory cheer, turns back to Mal. "Now, if you want beasty boy back, bring me Fairy Godmother's wand to my ship tomorrow at 12:00 noon. Sharp." She then starts walking away but turns back. "Oh, and if you blab you can kiss your baby goodbye." Uma then walks away, and Mal stands and goes to leave. She turns back to me and gestures I follow. I walk to her.

"I'll be back, don't leave the Isle without me." I say to her, she looks to me in confusion, but I just shake my head. She nods and walks from the chip shop. I then turn back and walk to the back of the shop. Where I see Gil standing.

"Hey, Gil." I say, he looks up to me.

"Hey, Meggie." He replies, I smile to him. He's always been like my brother, and I've always been like a sister to him.

"The King down there?" I ask, pointing to the room. He nods. "Mind if I talk to him, I swear I won't let him go."

"Alright, but only because it's you." He replies. I smile to him and he unlocks the door. I nod to him and walk in. As I come in, I see Ben is sitting on the floor, arms ties behind his back to a pole and his feet tied together. I kneel in front of him, and his eyes shoot up. I reach forwards and take the gag from his mouth.

"You okay?" I ask. Then I realise what I said. "Sorry, that was a stupid question. Of course you're not alright."

"I'm not exactly okay, but I'm alive." He replies, I smile to him. "How are you here, are you working with them?" I shake my head.

"Gil, the guy who's guarding the door. He's like a brother to me, so he let me in." I tell him. "I just want let you go, but I can talk to you and tell you what's happening."

"What's happening?" He asks.

"Mal and Uma did an arm-wrestle, but Uma won. Now Mal has to bring Uma Fairy Godmother's wand tomorrow, or you'll be thrown of the plank and you'll be eaten by sharks." I tell him quickly, like ripping off the band-aid. He looks to me in shock. "I know it seems bad-"

"Seems bad? It is bad." He replies.

"I know, but I don't know what else to say." I reply. "Look, I've got to go. I need to make sure that we follow through with our end of the bargain. I'll see you tomorrow, alright?"

"Okay." He replies. "Meg, will you come home after this?"

"We'll see." I reply. I then look to the gag in my hands and put it on the side. "I won't put that back on you. See you later." As I stand, the door then opens behind me and Harry walks in.

"Well, well, well." Harry says, "Look what we have here. I guess ye've chosen yer side then, love."

"You decided to kidnap my friend, what did you think I was going to do? Hold hands in a circle and sing cum bi ya?" I reply.

"I didn't think ye'd come and try to set him free." Harry replies.

"I wasn't setting him free, I made a promise to Gil. I just came to tell him what was going on." I reply, Harry walks around me, moving his hook over my body.

"Fine. I'll let ye' go this time. But next time ye' won't be so lucky." Harry replies, opening the door.

"Bye, Ben. Thanks, Harry." I say, walking through the door. I then rush to the hide-out.

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