Chapter 1

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A loud shriek comes from the Skelebros' house in Underswap. In the living room, a girl with
(H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes sits on the floor wearing an oversized brown sweater and black leggings with black fluffy socks on her feet. She playfully noogies her best friend Blue as he cheers in victory.

  "Mweh heh heh! I, the magnificent Sans, have finally defeated you in Mario Kart!!" He shouts, a wide grin on his adorable face. You giggle at the sweet cinnamon roll and congratulate him with a hug.

"To celebrate, I will make us victory tacos!!" He exclaims, getting to his feet faster than humanly possible and sprinting to the kitchen. You smile warmly. What did I do to deserve this? You decide to get up from the floor and join Blue in the kitchen, but your bro (that's what you call him anyway) interrupts.

"Hey, (Y/N)," Ink says, stepping out of a portal behind you and making you jump, "we've gotta head home, it's getting late," Blue's head pops out of the kitchen, tears in his eye sockets.

"Aww, Ink, can't she stay for victory tacos?" He says with a pout. Ink shakes his head.

"Sorry Blue, she has to do her training," He replies. Your friend immediately perks up.

"Oh! I understand completely! Training is very important!" Blue exclaims, placing a hand on his puffed-out chest, "I train very often with Alphys!" You grin at his boasting. How is it possible to be this adorable?! You give him a hug and he gladly returns it, giggling "mweh heh heh". You quickly slip your boots onto your feet.

"Alright, see ya Blue!" You say, patting his little head.

"Goodbye, human!!" He exclaims as you step into Ink's portal. With a final wave, you vanish to the Doodlesphere with Ink right behind you. Once he closes the portal, you begin your pestering.

  "Ink, I'm not special, I don't understand why you want to train me," You say as the two of you walk into Ink's floating house. The skeleton sighs and closes the door behind him.

  "(Y/N)," He says, exasperated, "I wouldn't have taken you from your universe for no reason. You have some kind of special ability, it just hasn't shown itself yet! You're way younger than all other immortal beings anyway, so just be patient," You roll your eyes. 

  "That's what you always say but it never happens! I've been here for five years and I still feel like I don't belong. I've made many friends but I never truly feel like I'm where I'm supposed to be!" You say. Ink smiles at you.

"Just give it time. It'll show eventually," He says, "Come on, let's go downstairs," You trail behind him to the basement, where Ink teaches you self defense and attempts to bring out your so-called ability. This time, just like all the others, nothing happens. After training, Ink and you head back upstairs for dinner. Once you finish your meals, you say goodnight and go to bed. You change into your light blue pajamas and crawl into your bed, shutting off the lamp on your bedside table. In the dark, you grab your pillow and fluff it before burrowing under your silk sheets and heavy comforter. Closing your eyes, you lose the tension from your body and drift off into dreamland.

Little did you know, a dark figure lurked in the corner of your room, watching your sleeping figure with a mischievous grin.

"So Inky has a little sister," It mutters in a deep voice, "how sweet,"


A/N: Yo yo what's good Reader!! Thanks for making it through my first chapter, I apologize if it's cringey, I'm still kinda new to Wattpad. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed!!!

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