Chapter 4

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Error's POV

Ok wow. Four gaster blasters and I still couldn't break that brat's shield?! This is getting ridiculous, what is she? Even Ink wouldn't be able to hold a shield that easily against FOUR damn blasters. I've gotta look further into this girl...

Normal POV

After you and Ink got home, the rest of the day went by in a flash. You quickly discovered that your ability is manipulating energy, which explains how easily you threw up a shield and teleported to Ink. Your bro taught you a few new tactics of defense just in case Error gets any ideas. Ink said tomorrow he might even teach you how to open portals!

You and Ink decided to end the day with some stargazing. The two of you sit on the flat roof of the skeleton's house staring up at the sky. You sigh happily and lay down, crossing your legs and relaxing. This is interrupted by a loud growl from your stomach. Ink laughs.

"Hungry?" He asks. You nod, slightly embarrassed. Ink gets up from his spot and opens the trapdoor that leads inside.

"I'll grab you a snack. How about popcorn?"

"YES!!!" You exclaim. Ink drops down into the house and you stare back up at the stars. The sky of the Doodlesphere is so colorful compared to the one back in your universe. Shades of purple, pink, and even a faint yellow streak across the sky. It's enchanting.

  "Beautiful, isn't it?" A voice says from behind you.

  "...Ink?" You ask nervously, your entire body tensed up in its vulnerable position. No response. Your movements are careful, slow, calculated. You rise and turn to face none other than Error. Beneath his feet is the trapdoor. You breathe shakily, anxious despite your newfound power. His eyes scan up and down your body, he takes his sweet time. He places a hand under his chin almost thoughtfully.

  "You're a special one, aren't you?" He says, his multicolored eyes boring into yours. You don't answer, you're not falling for any of his tricks. Error chuckles.

"Silent treatment? Alright, I see how it is sunshine," He says. Before you even have time to react, Error teleports right in front of you, only inches from your face. Your eyes widen in surprise and you take a step back, but he stops you by freezing your body with his magic.

  "Let go of me," You say angrily, "unless you want a blast to the face, I'd advise that you release me," Error walks backwards, holding his hands up in mock surrender. You roll your shoulders once he lets you go and glare at him.

  "A feisty one, I see," He teases, "I can play that game too, you know," You smirk.

  "That's funny, you couldn't seem to touch me or Ink earlier with four gaster blasters," You say, challenging the skeleton. You don't hesitate to take advantage of him trying to think of a comeback.

  "INK!!!" You shriek, "WE HAVE AN UNWANTED GUEST!!" In less than a second, Ink teleports next to you. Error's eyes widen.

  "I don't recall inviting you to my house," Ink says, his voice dangerously quiet. Error backs away from you and Ink, he looks legitimately scared.

  "Alright, alright, I'll leave..." He says. Error opens a portal back to the anti-void and Ink turns to you. This was a bad mistake. You don't even get a chance to warn Ink before Error stuns him with a beam of magic.

  "INK!!!" You screech, immediately rushing to his aid. Before you can even ask if he's okay, Error grabs you by the wrist and laughs darkly. You try to pull away, but he doesn't budge. Angry tears form in your eyes.

  "What the hell do you want?!" You shout, wishing you could stop the droplets running down your face. Error doesn't say anything, he just places a finger on your forehead.

...Everything goes dark.


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