Chapter 7

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Error stands behind you as you sit vulnerable at the edge of his pool.

  "Are ya deaf? I said get off of my roof," He says, clearly frustrated. You summon some energy beneath your fingertips, keeping it at the ready just in case.

  "I'm just getting some fresh air," You reply calmly, not facing Error. You don't see his face, but you can tell he's rolling his eyes at you.

  "Yeah, okay. You're not supposed to be up here," He says, approaching you slowly. Your breathing quickens as he gets closer. He stops next to you on the patio and squats down so he's at your eye level. Error stares at you, but you refuse to look at him. He's just trying to intimidate you and that's not gonna happen.

This continues for a few moments, then Error gives up. He huffs and plops down on the ground next to you, keeping his focus on the pool. You stare straight ahead, trying to ignore your rapid heartbeat and shallow breaths. To release some tension, you sway your feet in the water like you did earlier. Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. A shaky sigh comes from your mouth and you close your eyes, bowing your head. You hear Error tapping his hands on the edge of the pool, moving his fingers up and down. Why is he just sitting there? Shouldn't he be fighting me or something? You sneak a glance at the skeleton and quickly look back at your feet. He seems to be deep in thought.

"What's your side of the story?" You ask, taking a leap into dangerous territory. Error tenses up.

"What?" He says.

"I think everyone has reasoning behind what they do, everyone has their own side to the story.  What's yours?" You say quietly. You look up at Error, who's staring right back. Something flickers in his eyes, the same little flicker you saw back when you first met him. Then, it disappears as quickly as it came. He whips his head away from you and grits his teeth. He grumbles something along the lines of 'I don't have time for this' and heads back inside. You throw your arms in the air, letting them fall at your sides.

"Why am I even trying to do this?" You say, exasperated. You put your head in your hands and groan.

"Blue, buddy, I wish you were here," You mumble, "I need your positivity right now. Desperately," The sound of the hatch opening behind you causes you to jump.

"Get inside," Error calls, "it's two in the morning," Not looking, you flip him off. You should go inside, that's true, but you don't wanna listen to Error right now. You're not giving him the satisfaction. The hatch slams shut and you grin to yourself. Ink would laugh if he was here. Your smile disappears when a cold hand grips your shoulder. Guess he didn't go in like I thought.

"I said get inside..." Error growls. You shrug him off angrily and stand up. Staring up at him, you narrow your eyes.

"I don't even know why I tried getting through to you," You say coldly, "a friend once told me that there's some good in everyone. I believed him then, but now I'm not so sure," You push past Error and throw the hatch open, speeding down the ladder and back to your room. Surprisingly, he doesn't retaliate.

You slam your door behind you and curl up under your blanket, red fumes of energy rising from your skin. After some time, your anger fades and you're able to drift off to sleep once again.


You didn't know how much a pillow could hurt until Error woke you up with one. He stands in your doorway with a smug grin on his face.

"That hurt!!" You shout angrily, throwing it back at him. He catches it easily, not even flinching.

"Get up," Is all he says before heading down the hallway. You look at the clock sitting on your bedside table. It's only 8 in the morning!! You think, I only got six hours of sleep and now I'm wide awake thanks to that asshole...

After adjusting your sweater and attempting to fix your hair, you hesitantly get out of bed and go downstairs. Error sits at his table wearing a pair of red glasses and reading a book. His coffee cup sits on a coaster, steam still rising from it. You can't help but smile at how nerdy he looks. It's almost cute. Error glances up from his book at you and your smile falters.

"What're you lookin at?" He says grumpily.

"A nerd," You reply with a smirk.

"Hahaha, fuck you," He mutters, staring back at his book. You stand awkwardly at the bottom of the stairs, not knowing what to do. Error's eyes flit up to you for a second, then they go back down again.

"Um..." You say, cautiously approaching the table, "whatcha readin?" Error quickly shuts his book and hides it under the table.

"None of your business," He grumbles, looking slightly flustered.

"Okay, whatever you say," You reply, sitting down across from him, "can I have something to eat?" Without saying a word, Error floats over a bowl, a spoon, some milk, and a box of cereal.

"Thanks..." You say quietly, pouring the cereal in the bowl.

Once you've finished your breakfast, you get up and set your empty bowl in the sink. You begin heading upstairs wanting to get dressed, but then you realize something. You don't have a change of clothes. You mentally facepalm. How the hell am I gonna ask my kidnapper for spare clothes?! You turn around slowly, cringing at what you have to do.

"Hey, Error..." You say. He looks up at you.

"Do you have a change of clothes I could wear by any chance?"

Error tenses up for a second.

"Erm...yeah, hold on," He replies awkwardly, getting up from his seat and brushing past you. You follow him silently and wait in the hallway as he goes into his room. After a few moments, Error comes out with an oversized long-sleeved shirt and some sweatpants. He drops them in your arms and goes back downstairs. You speed back to your room, screeching internally.

"That was literally the worst thing I've ever had to do..." You say, rapidly shutting your door behind you.

Error's POV

Why the hell did I do that?!? Ugh, you're getting soft Error!! I set my forehead down on my table and groan.

  "Okay, this is fine. She can wear those clothes, it doesn't matter. It's not like it's gonna affect me. I just need to keep my eyes on the prize: find out what she is and get her out of the way," I say, my voice muffled by the table. I slowly lift my head up, taking a deep breath. To my horror, (Y/N) stands at the top of the staircase. Wearing my clothes. I feel my face heat up so I lay back down on the table. Dammit Error, snap out of it! These romance stories are putting stupid shit in your head!

I feel (Y/N) getting closer to the table, she's standing right in front of me. I peek out from my hiding spot to find that she's staring directly at me. How about I mess with her a little bit.

  "See somethin ya like, sunshine?" I ask, tilting my head and smirking. Surprisingly, she doesn't get angry. Instead, she looks embarrassed.

  "No..." She says quietly, "I just wanted to talk,"

Huh. Let's see where this goes.


Sunshine (Error!Sans x Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now