Chapter 5

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"You've gotta be shitting me..."

You wake to the sound of frustrated grumbling and footsteps fading away from you. A splitting headache pounds in your skull, blurring your vision around the edges. You attempt to pinch the space between your eyes with your hand, but fail thanks to the glowing blue string binding your wrists together. What? You squeeze your eyes shut and open them again, the string is still there. You have no recollection of what happened, the only memory you have is stargazing with Ink. Where is he anyway? Where are you? Your surroundings aren't much help. It's nighttime, so that already limits your vision and the large snow-covered pine trees aren't beneficial either. From what you can tell, you're in the middle of a snowy forest. You'd think it's Undertale or maybe Underswap, but the atmosphere here is very different. Sinister, evil, frightening. Some of the snowflakes look out of the ordinary, they're much smaller than average ones. They float around almost like they're in slow motion, despite the fact that there's no breeze whatsoever. A few come very close to your face and cause you to sneeze. It seems like there's no one else around besides you. Wait! You remember hearing an angry voice earlier, hopefully that wasn't a hallucination...

  "Hello..?" You say quietly, not wanting to yell because of your headache. The only response you get is white noise. You sigh deeply, hanging your head and letting your (H/C) hair fall around your face. Your breath comes out in clouds and you shiver in your blue sweater. Standing up would be amazing right now, but you don't have the strength to do it. You're afraid that if you even move an inch you'll just come crashing back down thanks to your headache. You clasp your shaking hands together in your lap as the snow on the ground soaks into your leggings. I think I'll close my eyes for a little bit, You think, it'll do some good for my head. Just as your eyelids shut, however, they open rapidly as a flash of purple light comes from up ahead. You stare at the source of the light, hoping against all odds that it's Ink. Another flash follows the purple, but this one's red. Where have I seen that before..? You wonder. Then it hits you. The memories come crashing down, flooding your head. The roof...Error stunned Ink...he knocked me out! You grow more and more furious as you recall the events. That bitch kidnapped me and hurt my brother! Your hands turn to fists and anger consumes you. Suddenly, you're not so cold anymore. Your hands glow with a blinding white light, absorbing the energy from around you.

  "Oh yeah," You mutter, "almost forgot I could do that," You break out of your abnormal handcuffs with a quick slice of energy and comfort your most likely bruised wrists. Those were on pretty tight. Taking a deep breath, you slowly and carefully stand from your kneeling position. You sway slightly and have to lean on a nearby tree to catch your balance.

  "Ohh wow..." You mumble, blinking rapidly to get rid of the dizziness in your head. You hold onto your tree for a few more moments, then decide to try and walk again. This time is much more successful than the first, you manage to stumble towards a clearing. Hiding behind a tree, you watch what seems to be a pretty intense fight. Error is battling another Sans you've never seen before. This Sans has red and blue eyes, he looks completely insane. His hood is pulled over his face and there's multiple stains on his clothes. He's been through some shit. You can barely hear their shouts over the blasts of magic coming from their hands. The only words you manage to hear are cussing and something about nightmares. Everything stops when the unfamiliar Sans spots you in your hiding spot. His crazed grin widens and he throws Error into the air, causing him to land on the ground with an 'oof'.

"So you're Ink's little sis, huh?" He says, slowly approaching you. You step backwards, breathing rapidly. Your legs feel like jelly and you almost trip over nothing. You continue backing up, the Sans' left eye twitches slightly.

"C'mon sweetheart, there's nothing to worry about," He says creepily, "just let me take a good look at ya," Words fail to come out of your mouth, you can't even think straight. You stop moving when your back hits something hard. A goddamn tree. Your lips tremble and you swear your heart stops for a moment. Move, dammit! Get away!! Your thoughts scream. Your legs don't listen, you stay frozen against the pine tree. Sans comes up to you and slams a hand on the tree just above your head, causing the whole thing to shake. He leans in and stops centimeters from your face. His mouth opens to say something, but the words are caught in his throat by a shout behind him.

"BACK THE FUCK OFF YOU DUSTY BASTARD!!!" Error bellows, crashing through the woods. You stand still in shock, still unable to move. "Dusty" whips around and faces Error.

  "Ya wanna have a MAD time, Glitch?!" He snarls, his hands lighting up with purple flames. Error says nothing, his magic gets the message across. He flicks his hand and the crazy Sans goes flying. Once he's out of sight, Error makes a 'tsk' sound under his breath and shakes his head. Still angry at him for kidnapping you, you say nothing and just stare at the ground. From the corner of your eye, you see him walking towards you.

  "A thanks would be nice, sunshine," He says, stopping in front of you and putting his hands in his pockets. You don't respond and just stare at his dark high tops.

  "Hey, at least-" He starts.

  "Oh, thank you SO much for kidnapping me Error! What do you want, a kiss on the fucking cheek?!" You shout furiously, blood rushing to your cheeks. Your fingertips glow with red energy, reflecting your emotions. Error just laughs to himself.

  "Actually, that sounds pretty nice. Would you mind?" He says. You shoot a beam at him and he easily deflects it.

  "Fuck off," You say, your anger fizzling out and getting replaced by embarrassment. Error chuckles and turns away from you.

  "Where even are we?" You ask, curiosity taking over.

  "Dusttale," Error replies, "I dunno how we ended up here, the maniac must've messed up my teleportation," He opens a dark portal with a snap of his fingers and gestures for you to walk through it.

  "Ladies first," He says with a smirk. You roll your eyes.

  "You really think I'm gonna go with you?" You ask.

  "Nah," He says, "that's why I'm doing this," Before you can stop him, Error has you trapped in a bubble of dark magic. He swipes his hand through the air and you zoom through the portal. Once you're through, he steps in after you, a smug expression on his face.

  "You're gonna stay at my place for a while," He says, closing his portal behind him. You stare at your surroundings, confused.

  "This isn't the anti-void..." You say.

  "It is. I just...modified it to what I want it to look like," Error says.

  "Whatever you say..." You reply. As Error floats you towards his front door, you try to think of an escape plan. Nothing you can think of works, you never learned how to open portals...

How the hell am I gonna get back to Ink?


Sunshine (Error!Sans x Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now