Chapter 3

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Ink's POV

I sigh deeply, glancing back at where my portal just was. If only she knew how terrible Error really is, then she'd understand why I'm keeping her away from the anti-void. I stop in my tracks. Where's the glitchy trash bag anyway?

"Error!" I shout, placing my hands on my hips, "Get your ass out of hiding now!" I narrow my eyes at the sound of his familiar laugh echoing around the void.

  "Ask nicely, Inky. It'll do ya some good," He says, still invisible to me. I roll my eyes.

  "What were you doing in my house last night?" My question shuts him up. There's only silence for a few moments, then the annoying skeleton appears in front of me, a sly expression on his stupid face.

  "I have no idea what you're talking about. I don't even know where you live," He says with a shrug.

  "Oh, come on," I say, "cut the bullshit. My...roommate said they felt your presence," Error chuckles to himself at this.

"Ink, I know she's more than a roommate to you. You'll protect her with your life...almost like a sister," He says, his permanent grin growing wider.

"Stay away from her or you'll regret it," I say darkly, the color disappearing from my eye sockets. To my surprise, Error bends over laughing. He wraps his arms around his midsection and shakes uncontrollably. Sick.

"Really, Ink? That's HILARIOUS. I want nothing to do with her!" He exclaims through his laughter.

"Yeah, right," I say, "I don't buy it. She said she woke up with goosebumps last night, you must've been watching her sleep. First of all, that's creepy as hell. Second of all, that means she's interesting to you. I mean, why else would you watch someone sleep?!" Error shrugs.

  "I was bored," He replies simply.

  "So you just watch people sleep when you're bored? This is normal for you?" I say. Error rolls his eyes.

  "I'm not interested in her, alright?! I don't even care about her. Is that what you wanted to hear? Can you leave now?" He says, clearly annoyed. I still don't trust him, but I decide to leave so I can check on (Y/N). I flick open a portal back to the Doodlesphere and stare Error down as I walk through. What an ass...

Error's POV

I turn my back as Ink walks through his portal back to the Doodlesphere. I smirk to myself. It's good he's so impatient, saves me a lot of energy. Just as relief comes to me, a shout comes from Ink's portal. I whip my body around and my eye sockets widen. It's her. Ink's little sister. She looks triumphant standing in the anti-void, must've pushed her bro back in. I catch little snippets of their argument.

"You know you shouldn't be here! Go home now (Y/N)!"

"Please, just let me stay for a little while! It's so cool here!"

"No, you have to leave before-" Ink stops himself. The girl's staring right at me, curiosity oozing from her eyes. She gives me a small smile and a shy wave. I wink at her, just to annoy Ink even more. She quickly brushes past him and approaches me, no idea that I'm the one who she was so afraid of last night.

Sunshine (Error!Sans x Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now