Chapter 15

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You step into the battlefield and stare down the frozen Ink floating before you. You close your eyes and take a deep breath.

Focus on the energy.

Embrace it.

Let it become you.

You raise your arms out to the side and tilt your head to the sky.

Once you've set a target, release everything.

Emotions. Power.

Put your soul into it.

You draw the energy from all of your bottled up emotions. Sadness. Your hands light up with blue flames. Anger. They turn purple with the added red light. Fear. Orange adds to the mix, darkening the purple. Love. Your flames grow darker. And finally...

  "Hatred," You growl. This last emotion turns your energy jet black and you get the same sensation you did before. The energy doesn't just become you, you become the energy. Your hair turns to a solid black, (if it's already black then it stays the same) a dark glow radiates from your skin and your eyes turn the same color as your hair. Now, the last part.

Your soul.

It phases out of your chest and shines brightly in front of you. It's white, but since you're human it signifies purity. You draw the energy from your soul and it merges with the black energy to give you a transformation you've never experienced.

A long white streak appears in your hair, standing out from the black. Your left eye remains black, but your right eye turns a piercing white. In one hand your flame turns a blinding white while the other stays black. You've become the balance between dark and light energy, the yin and yang of the universe.

  "I'm ready, Ink," You growl.

With a flick of your hand, everything unfreezes and Ink comes barreling towards you. When he sees that Error's not in front of him, though, he stops midair and plants his feet on the ground. All of the Sanses besides Error teleport back to their homes to stay out of the fight.

"(Y/N)," He says slowly, "what are you doing..." You chuckle darkly, sounding eerily similar to Error. Your eyes flash dangerously and a smirk crosses your face as your flames grow brighter and your hair floats around your face.

"I'm ending this," You reply. A shallow laugh comes from Ink's mouth.

"You can't stop the X-Event, (Y/N)," He says, his blank eyes locked onto yours.

"W a t c h m e," You snarl. You push off from the ground and dash towards Ink. He jumps into the air just as you're about to punch his skull in. You clench your jaw and fly up after him, the two of you shooting beams of energy back and forth in a dance of life and death. A few manage to scrape your arms, but it's nothing a little magic can't heal.

You raise your hands to the sky. Two gaster blasters appear on each side of you, they have the skulls of (favorite animal) and their pupils look like crescent moons. Ink's eyes widen and he throws up a shield of ink just in time to block your attack.

  "GIVE IT UP, (Y/N)," Ink shouts, "THIS IS GOING TO HAPPEN WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!!" You cut him off with a blast to the arm, causing him to hiss in pain.

"Just shut up..." You say, more to yourself than to Ink. The skeleton's paintbrush comes flying out of nowhere and bashes you in the head and you go plummeting to the ground. Your impact makes a massive crater and a cloud of dust forms around your body. You cringe at the aching of your muscles and attempt to get up. Unfortunately, things like that aren't so easy in this world.

Sunshine (Error!Sans x Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now