Chapter 10

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You turn around slowly to face Error, who's angrier than you've ever seen him. You're terrified, but Nightmare keeps his cool. He steps over to greet Error.

"Hey," He says, "what's up?" Error narrows his eyes.

"What're you doing here, Nightmare?" He asks coldly. Nightmare forces a grin.

"Oh, just picking up a new recruit. (Y/N) here just got her eyes opened, she knows how terrible Ink is now," Error raises an eyebrow and looks at you for reassurance. You give him a small smile and nod.

"I'm gonna help Nightmare and, who was it again, Cross! I'm gonna help them stop Ink from participating in the X-Event," You say proudly. Error turns to Nightmare.

"You sure you're gonna trust her with this?" He asks, crossing his arms, "She's insanely powerful, if she changes sides there's no fighting back," Nightmare looks at you then turns back to Error.

"Of course I'm sure. We made a deal, after all," He says, grinning at you. You turn slightly red and smile back. Error notices this and grimaces.

"Alright, well if you're gonna go through with this then I'm coming," He says. Nightmare raises his eyebrows.

"I'm not sure if Cross would be too happy with that," He says, "you did take his soul after all," Error pouts like a child.

"Well, if we have the same goal, which is to stop our friend Inky, it should be fine. We can coexist peacefully," He says. Nightmare scoffs.

"I know you wouldn't go after him, Error, but he might try to attack you. He's only living off of Chara's determination, after all. He wants his soul back," He says. Error rolls his eyes.

"Fuck this," He says. Before you or Nightmare can stop him, he speeds into Dusttale.

"Well, this'll be fun," Nightmare says sarcastically. He gestures for you to go in before him, then follows behind you. After Nightmare closes up the portal, the two of you walk over to join a very agitated Error.

"Hey, don't get mad if he tries to murder you," Nightmare says with a shrug. He then turns to you and grins.

"Ever been to Dusttale, doll?" He asks. A dark expression crosses your face.

"...Yes," You say, "once. Let's just say it's not my favorite AU," Nightmare nods thoughtfully.

"I don't blame ya. It's pretty empty here, not very fun," He says.

"Yeah, and the only inhabitant is a giant asshole," Error grumbles, thinking back to the same day you're remembering. You nod in agreement.

  "Alright, enough talking," Nightmare says, "Cross and Dust said to meet up at Alphys' lab, let's head over," Nightmare starts walking but you stay right where you are. Error looks at you with a worried expression.

  "Dust is gonna be there..?" You ask quietly. Nightmare walks over to you.

  "Hey, it'll be okay," He says, "we only invited him because his negative emotions are off the charts. Believe me, if he touches you I'll be on your side. I have a funny feeling Error'll protect you too," Nightmare turns to Error with a sly smirk and Error turns slightly yellow.

  "Thanks," You say, still anxious to see the insane skeleton again.

  "'Course," Nightmare says, "now let's go,"

You, him, and Error all walk towards Alphys' lab. You stay in between the two skeletons just in case. Error looks tense and awkward while Nightmare looks as calm and laid back as UT Sans. Without warning, Nightmare puts an arm around your shoulder and pulls you closer to him, causing your face to burn.

Sunshine (Error!Sans x Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now