Chapter 9

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Your world stops. The red energy fades away from your hands and you stare at the Sans with wide eyes.

"...You can?" You ask.

"I can," He replies, "of course, you'd have to do something for me in return," You narrow your eyes at this.

"What sort of 'something' are we talking about?" You ask suspiciously.

"Well, you see, your bro Ink isn't as good as he seems," He explains, "he's planning on doing some, uh...pretty bad things," You roll your eyes.

"Yeah, that's very convincing," You say sarcastically. The Sans chuckles.

"Hah, sorry. It's a lot to explain, but basically he wants to take all the good components from AUs and forge them to make only one universe. He's treating this like a game by participating in the X-Event" He says gravely.

"That doesn't sound bad, though," You reply. The Sans shakes his head.

"Well, by taking the good things from AUs he'd be taking them away FOREVER. Those AUs will never be the same. He might even take citizens. It'll destroy not only the AUs, but the lives of those living in them," He says. You think for a moment, then shake your head.

"No. Ink would never do that," You say, "he only wants to protect the AUs, he'd rather die than harm their inhabitants!"

"He would and he's going to if you don't do this 'something' for me," The Sans says sternly. You want to think that he's lying, but you can tell by the tone of his voice and his serious expression that he's telling nothing but the truth. You sigh sadly.

"I guess he really tricked me, huh?" You say with a weak smile. The Sans nods.

"You were wondering why he never came for you, right? This is why." He says, "He's even stopped taking his vials so he doesn't feel anything," You gasp.

  "You can stop him," Sans says, "once you do, I'll take you to the Doodlesphere and you can be the new protector of AUs. Think about it for a sec," You clasp your hands and think for a moment.

This guy isn't lying...Ink really isn't as good as he seems. If I stop him from doing this X-Event thingy, I could bring peace to all the AUs! Well, besides Underlust. No one can really help them. Anyway, I think I need to do this.

You look up at the Sans, who stands with his hands in his pockets in the corner of your room. You get up from your bed and approach him.

  "I'll do it," You say, sticking out your hand for him to shake. He grins.

  "You won't regret this," He says, clasping your delicate hand and shaking it. As you make contact with him, you feel overwhelmed with negative emotions. Hatred, sadness, pain, evil. They all crash into you so hard that you let out a gasp. The Sans ignores this and puts his hands in his pockets again.

  "I didn't catch your name," He says.

  "Oh! I'm (Y/N)," You say. He nods.

  "I like that name," He says, "mine's Nightmare," You raise your eyebrows at this.

  "Not gonna lie, it suits you well," You say with a chuckle, glancing at the four tentacles on his back. Nightmare smirks.

  "Yeah, I think we'll get along just fine," He says. You smile a genuine smile.

Finally, a friend.

Nightmare claps his hands together.

"Okay, let's get down to business," He says, striding towards your door, "I just need you to create some negative emotions for me in a few timelines. Simple, right?" You shrug, still staying in your room.

"I guess...I just don't like being mean to people," You reply sheepishly. Nightmare sighs.

"Well, I suppose you won't have to do all the work," He says, "I've got a buddy of mine who's gonna work with you. His name's Cross, you heard of him?" You shake your head no.

"That's alright. I feel like you could get along just like we do," He says with a grin.

"Yay!! I love making new friends!" You exclaim, unable to hide your excitement, "This'll be great! I'm gonna explore the multiverse, meet new people, and stop this X-Event thing!"

"Yup," Nightmare says with a small smile, "let's get going," He opens a portal to a version of Hotland.

"We're all meeting up here to do some planning. Let's get you over to Dusttale," He says. You nod and begin walking to the portal. Then, your door opens.

  "Where the HELL do you think you're going?"

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