Chapter 6

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Error's "modifications" to the anti-void are actually pretty impressive. His house is a sleek and modern mansion, complete with a rooftop patio and pool. The landscape surrounding his house is similar to an exotic island. Palm trees are scattered all over the place and lush mountain ranges sit in the distance. If the sky wasn't a chaotic mess of red, black, blue, and yellow you'd almost say it's nice. It's nothing compared to the Doodlesphere, though.

Error drops you off in a bedroom and you're released from your floating prison. The room is furnished with a silver dresser and matching bedside tables. A queen sized bed sits against the far wall with a dark fur blanket folded neatly on top of it. The walls are painted jet black and the floor is made of concrete. You're itching to attack Error, but doing anything right now would be a risky move. Instead, you glare menacingly at him as he stands in the doorway.

"You're a real jerk, you know that?" You say. Error rolls his eyes.

"Tell me something I don't know," He replies.

"Fuck you," You say.

"Right back at ya,"

"Don't expect any mercy from me when I free myself and kick your ass," You growl, clenching your fists and taking a daring step forward. Bad move. Error steps towards you and towers above you.

"You're not gonna free yourself, sunshine. Once I'm done figuring out what you are, I'll either destroy your mind so you go insane or kill you on the spot. Depends on my mood at the time," He says darkly. To hide your fear, you just turn away from him and walk to a nearby window. You feel Error's eyes burning into the back of your head as you stare out at the mountains. Eventually, he loses interest and you hear the door click shut behind you. That's when you break down.

  "Oh stars. This is so, so, so bad. This is really bad," You run your fingers through your hair and tears threaten to spill from your eyes. 

  "I need to lay down," You mutter. You slowly make your way to the bed and collapse into the mattress. Gripping your pillow tightly, you shake with silent sobs. Where's Ink? Did he give up on me? Will I ever see him again? You grit your teeth in an attempt to keep any sound from escaping your mouth.

  "D-Dammit..." You stutter, squeezing your eyes shut. Your pillow acts as your tissue box as tears run freely down your face. As time passes by, you grow exhausted from crying and eventually fall asleep.


You stand in the Doodlesphere and relief floods through your body. You're finally home! You zoom inside to greet Ink, but are met with a horrifying scene. A Sans covered in tar-like black goo with tentacles stands in your kitchen, facing you with a terrifying smile. Ink lays on the ground in front of you, motionless. All the color seems to have been drained from his body.

  "NO!!!" You shriek, falling to your knees. The scary Sans approaches you, still grinning. He places a hand on each of your shoulders and picks you up to face him. Without warning, one of his tentacles wraps around your neck, choking you. You grab at your neck, wheezing for air. The Sans just chuckles.

  "We're gonna have a lot of fun, aren't we?" He says, ignoring your suffering. Suddenly, a blinding white light causes him to loosen his grip. You drop to the ground, coughing uncontrollably. The last thing you see before waking up is a figure holding a bow and arrows floating in front of you.

  "Don't worry," It says with a kind smile, "I'll keep your dreams safe,"


You bolt up from your bed, a layer of sweat coating your body. You rub your eyes, disoriented from the vivid nightmare.

"Well that happened," You mumble. Since your room is pitch black, you ignite your hand with some light energy. You peer around the area, making sure Error isn't standing in the corner being his creepy self. Once you're positive you're alone, you get out of bed. There's no point in trying to go back to sleep since the nightmare is still on your mind, so you decide to walk around and explore a little. You dim the light in your hand just enough so it's hidden from anyone but you and sneak to your bedroom door. The door is opened silently and you step out into the hallway.

Error's home is empty and cold, it lacks the comfort of Ink's place in the Doodlesphere. Your bare feet make no sound against the concrete floor as you creep slowly down the hall. At the end of the hallway is an open area with a large leather couch and a single lamp. To the right of the couch is a metal bookshelf. Huh, You think, I didn't know Error liked to read. Something hidden in the far left corner catches your eye. A ladder. You remember seeing a rooftop patio before going inside and you feel elated with joy. It's not stargazing with Ink, but it's fresh air. That's all I need. You tiptoe-run to the ladder and practically fly up it to the roof.

Your head pops out of the hatch leading to the patio and you smile. It's so serene compared to the uninviting interior. The gentle trickling of the pool reminds you of Waterfall, your favorite place to go when your mind is troubled. It instantly relaxes you and all the tension from earlier leaves your body. You make your way over to the pool and sit on the edge, dipping your feet in. Your legs swing back and forth slowly, sending ripples through the pool and blurring your reflection. You giggle at how funny your face looks in the water. Suddenly, a memory surfaces, putting you into a trance.


You and Blue sit on a dock in Waterfall, laughing and splashing each other jokingly. Then, out of the blue (heh) your friend asks you a question.

"Do you think Queen Toriel is bad, human?" You stop and think for a moment.

"Hm... to be honest Blue, I don't really know what to think. I'm sure she's just doing what she thinks is best for her kingdom," Blue nods thoughtfully.

"I agree," He says, "she may seem very evil, but I believe there's good in everyone. You just have to look a little harder to find it in some people," You smile warmly.

"That's so true," You reply, "it always depends on the perspective. There's always another side to every story,"


These words echo around your head. There's always another side to every story. You put a hand to your chin and furrow your brow. Your legs stop swinging and you think on your words. All is silent. Until a certain presence materializes behind you.

"Get off of my roof,"


Sunshine (Error!Sans x Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now