Chapter 8

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Normal POV

You take a deep breath, hoping you're not gonna regret this. You sit down across from Error, who still has a slight yellow tint on his cheeks, and clasp your hands tightly in your lap.

"I don't like don't like me," You start, "but we have similar goals," Error tilts his head. You've intrigued him.

  "How so?" He asks, leaning towards you and resting his head on his hand.

  "I want to find out what I am. I know I can manipulate energy, but I feel like there's more to it. Like I have some sort of potential that hasn't shown itself yet," You say. Error nods.

  "For once I agree with you. I mean, even Ink couldn't put up a shield to stop four gaster blasters as easily as you did," He says, "I feel like you're much more powerful than you appear to be,"

  "Ok cool!" You say, sitting up straighter, "How are we gonna figure this out?" Error shrugs.

  "You tell me, sunshine. It's your powers," You frown.

  "Why do you call me that?" You ask. Error thinks for a second.

  "I guess it just suits you," He says, his voice lowering in volume. He almost looks embarrassed. You feel your cheeks flush slightly, so you duck your head.

"Hah..." You mutter under your breath, "stop it, (Y/N)," The sound of Error's chair scooting out causes you to look up.

"Well, we're not gonna find out what your 'hidden potential' is without trying something," He says, "c'mon. We're going outside," You immediately jump out of your chair. Error stares as you sprint upstairs to put on your boots. Once they're on, you dash back down and join Error at the front door. He opens the door and gestures for you to go first. You give him a nod and step outside.

A slight breeze nips at your hair as you stand in Error's yard. The palm trees swish back and forth and little bits of sand tumble across the ground. You sigh deeply, taking it all in.

  "Are ya done yet?" Error asks, startling you. You turn to look back at him.

  "I was just admiring your work," You reply, "it's actually really nice here," Error scoffs.

  "Flattery doesn't work on me, sunshine," He says. You roll your eyes, not in the mood to argue with the grumpy skeleton.

  "Let's just get this over with, shall we?" You ask. You summon the anger you've kept inside since you got here and your hands glow with red energy.

  "What're you gonna do with that?" Error asks, sweat forming on his forehead, "We haven't figured out what you are yet,"

  "I'm gonna attack you," You say with a smirk, "feel free to fight back, but like you said, I'm more powerful than I appear to be," Error gulps and steps back, wiping his forehead. He hides his fear with a classic Sans grin.

  "Bring it,"

Black gaster blasters materialize on both sides of Error and his pupils disappear. They're replaced with complete redness. You widen your stance and bend your knees, recalling what Ink taught you. You close your eyes and take a deep breath.

Focus on the energy. Embrace it, let it become you. Once you've set a target, release everything. Emotions, power, put your soul into it.

A blinding red beam explodes from your fingertips, you have to dig your heels into the ground to keep from falling backwards. You grit your teeth to keep it controlled. Error dodges your attack easily and soars into the air. Blue cords fly from his hands and straight at you. You jump back and throw up a shield, which burns the string on impact. Error charges at your shield and destroys it with two gaster blasters. Breathing heavily, you create a platform of energy high over your head and jump over him just as he lands on the ground. Error teleports up to meet you and thousands of sharp, glowing bones come with him. Your eyes widen as they zoom towards you. They're too quick. You begin to panic, not knowing what to do. With no other option, you jump. You squeeze your eyes shut out of fear. As you fall, you raise your arms to cover your face and tuck your knees to your chest.

You're at a loss of words when you freeze midair. Your eyes open slowly, and you gasp at what you see. A white-yellow orb surrounds your body, preventing Error's lethal bones from getting to you. You look at your hands, which glow the same color as the sphere around you. In fact, it seems that your entire body is shining with yellow energy. Your hair is now a pale yellow as well. It floats around your head, slowly moving up and down. You hear a muffled shout from below you.

"HOLY SHITTT!!" Error exclaims. You direct the orb back to the ground and gently touch down on the sand, still glowing like the sun. Surprisingly, you feel extremely calm. Error, on the other hand, is freaking out.

"YOU TURNED INTO PURE ENERGY!!" He yells, "HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?!" You hold your hands up to try and calm the guy. This just makes things worse. Error teleports far away from you.

"Do NOT touch me," He growls, crossing his arms tightly. As Error recovers from the shock of your transformation, you get an idea. I wonder if I could open a portal now, You think, this energy makes me so incredibly just might work!

You hold out your (still glowing) arms in front of you and concentrate on the Doodlesphere. I need to go home. I need to see Ink and get away from this creep. Nothing happens.

"Dammit..." You mutter angrily. Your glowing energy slowly fades away and you return to your normal self. You head back inside quietly and go upstairs to your room. Your hopes of getting home vanish as you curl up on your bed and negative feelings take over your mind.

"If I can be this powerful and still not open a portal, how can I get back home?" You think out loud, "Also, where's Ink? He's able to open a portal to the anti-void easily, why can't he just come and get me? Did he give up on me?" You continue drowning in negativity, voicing all of your fears, doubts, and hatred. Suddenly, a pop comes from the corner of your room. It sounds like someone teleported in here.

"Go away, asshole," You say, turning away from the sound. You're not in the mood to listen to Error right now. A chilling laugh causes you to freeze. The laugh echoes around your head, you feel it in your bones, in your soul. That's not Error...

"I felt some beautiful feelings in here," A deep voice says, "so much anger, so much PAIN. I love it," You whip around to see the skeleton from your nightmare. Black goop, tentacles, a horrifying grin. He's petrifying.

"I'm glad to finally meet you," He says, "I feel that we can get along very well," You narrow your eyes.

"I disagree," You say, igniting your hands with red energy. The skeleton chuckles.

"Doll, you don't wanna hurt me," He says, his grin getting wider.

"And why shouldn't I?" You ask, tilting your head.

"I can get you back home,"


Sunshine (Error!Sans x Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now