Chapter 2

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You wake to an odd feeling. Goosebumps cover your body, yet you're sweating so much your hair is sticking to the back of your neck. Your covers are thrown off and you swing your legs over the side of your bed. The room is still pitch black, so you switch on your lamp. The clock on your dresser reads 3:27.

"Ooh, it's the devil's hour," You mutter with a smirk, "spooky time," You decide to go and grab some ice cold water, you have that extreme thirst that only comes around at 3 in the morning. Your hand closes around the cold metal doorknob and your door creaks slightly as you push it open. Still holding the doorknob, you peer into the dark hallway, checking to see if Ink's still awake. Nope. You tiptoe to the marble staircase and slowly descend, not making a sound. You reach the kitchen and turn on the bar light, which temporarily blinds you. After grabbing a glass from the cupboard, you fill it with some ice and water and take a much-needed sip. Leaning on the white countertop, you stare at the living room for no reason in particular. You rub your puffy eyes and take another sip of water. After putting your cup down, you notice something is off about the room. You tilt your head like a confused dog, narrowing your eyes. You can't put your finger on what's weird about the living room, it's just a feeling that you can't shake off. Should I get Ink? You wonder. Nah, he'll get mad that I'm up this late. He wants me to fix my sleep schedule. You stare at the living room for a few more moments, then shrug the feeling off and head back to your room.

Error's POV

I wipe a bead of sweat off of my forehead and breathe a sigh of relief. That was close. Way too close. Stepping out of the shadows, I stare up at the staircase what's-her-face just climbed. A smirk creeps onto my face and a glitchy chuckle escapes my mouth. This one is certainly intriguing. Very intriguing indeed. No wonder Nightmare and Dust are interested in her, she radiates energy. I can't figure out what kind, but it's incredibly powerful.

I already hate her.

Normal POV

It took you a little while, but you were eventually able to fall back to sleep. Although you shook off that unfamiliar feeling, it still bothered you. The second time you woke up, a stream of sunlight (?) shone through your white curtains and right onto your face. Still closing your eyes, you threw a pillow across the room at your window.

"Ow!!" A voice exclaims. Your eyes shoot open and you see Ink standing at the other end of the room glaring at you.

"I was just trying to open the curtains!" He says. Your eyes flit to your pillow on the floor and back to Ink.

"Sorry..." You say, rubbing the back of your neck with guilt. An evil grin crosses the skeleton's face. Uh oh. In the blink of an eye, he sends the pillow flying back at you with his magic and it knocks you off the bed. Laying on the floor, you laugh and grab the pillow from beside you. You leap onto your bed and stand in the center. Letting out a battle cry, you throw the pillow with all your strength and it soars towards Ink, who stops it just in front of his face with his magic.

"Show-off!" You shout, grinning. With a snap of his fingers, Ink opens a portal and throws the pillow in it. A second portal opens up above you and the thing lands right on your head like a hat.

"I made some pancakes if you want any," Ink says, stifling his laughter at your new accessory. He walks out of your room and you hear him giggling to himself all the way to the kitchen. Setting your pillow down, you shake your head and smile to yourself. You hop off of your bed and shuffle down the hallway to eat some delicious breakfast. Once your plate is all set, you join Ink at the table and quickly wolf down your pancakes. Ink, on the other hand, eats his slowly.

  "Oh!" You exclaim, setting your fork down and swallowing your last bite of food, "I almost forgot to tell you about last night!" Ink stops eating.

  "Last night?" He asks, "What happened last night?"

  "Well, I went to go get some water and I felt this weird presence in the living room. It was really...dark," You reply. Ink raises his nonexistent eyebrows.

  "Dark? Dark how?"

  "It was just really unsettling. Creepy, almost. I also woke up with goosebumps,"

An expression crosses Ink's face that you've never seen before. Hatred. His normally neon eyes grow darker in color and his cheerful grin is gone.

  "I'll be right back, (Y/N)," He says, rapidly getting up from the table and stepping outside.

  "Hey, no, wait up!" You exclaim, racing after him. By the time you get to the yard, Ink's already opened a portal. You've only seen this type of portal once before.

  "You're going to the anti-void?" You say. Ink sighs and turns to you.

  "Yes. And before you ask, you can't come with me," He replies shortly.

  "Why not? You let me go to all of the other AUs, why can't I go to the anti-void?" You exclaim, upset at the skeleton.

  "It's dangerous, okay? I can't let anything happen to you, I won't let you get hurt!" Ink says.

  "What if it awakens my ability?" You say. Ink goes silent and thinks for a moment.

  "It won't," He replies simply, before stepping into the portal and closing it up behind him.

  "iT wOn'T," You mock, striding back inside, "Why not? If I've never even been there, how would he know?!" You slam the front door behind you and slouch down on the living room couch with a 'hmph'. What's the big deal about the anti-void?!


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