Chapter 13

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Cross goes on a rampage, completely destroying the nearby human town. You watch this from a distance, not wanting to interrupt him. Error stands next to you protectively, giving you a much needed sense of security. All of the inhabitants of Underswap have either left to find cover or gone into the battle. Blueberry and Papyrus were the two who went after Cross. I hope sweet little Blue doesn't get hurt, You think nervously, hopefully Pap will look after him.

Your eyes widen when you see three familiar Sanses appear in the chaos unfolding before you. Classic, Red...and Ink. You have to shield your eyes from the multiple blasts of light and magic colliding in the annihilated city. Classic, Red, Blue, and Papyrus all battle against Cross, showing no mercy for the fierce skeleton. You clasp your hands tightly together behind your back to keep from fidgeting. Just standing by while all this action is happening right in front of you is agonizing.

Surprisingly Cross seems to have everything under control. He counters the other four's attacks with ease, not showing any weakness. A bit of relief enters your mind and some tension leaves your body.

It returns when Ink steps into the battle.

"Ah shit..." You mutter, crossing your arms tightly. Error narrows his eyes at the artistic skeleton, wondering what he's plotting. You see Cross stop his destruction and something enters his eyes as Ink talks to him. He lowers his defenses...

"No, no, keep your guard up," You say anxiously, uncrossing your arms and curling your hands into fists. You watch the scene wide-eyed as Blue joins Ink. As they're both speaking to Cross, something catches your eye. Classic and Red are sneaking up on Cross.

You grab Error's arm, making him jump.

"We've gotta get over there NOW!" You exclaim urgently. Not saying a word, Error teleports the both of you into the city.

It's too late.

By the time you reach Cross, he's being held down by Classic and Red. His soul is out of his chest. Time slows down as Classic takes the white half of the soul, which was stolen from him, and reunites it with the other half. As the Sanses crowd around Cross' limp form, tears form behind your eyes.

  "P-Poor guy..." You say, your voice trembling. A lone tear rolls down your cheek at the loss of your ally. None of the Sanses notice you or Error as they turn away from the scene and join Papyrus in the distance. You take the opportunity to check on Cross.

You approach the unconscious skeleton and crouch down next to him. Error stands behind you awkwardly.

"Hey, buddy..." You say quietly, "I didn't know you well, but you seemed very misunderstood. You just wanted a home, I get that. Now, well..." Your voice catches in your throat and you close your eyes, bowing your head. Suddenly, a movement catches your eye. You look up to see a child in the place of where Cross' body just was. He has a black and white hoodie, black shorts, white shoes, and a golden heart locket identical to Cross'. His hair is a shocking white and his eyes look like Cross'. You're about to say something to the child when Error yanks you away from him and behind a nearby building.

"What're you thinking?!" He hisses, "Thats CHARA," Your eyes widen.

"I...I didn't know," You reply, shocked at what you almost did. Error huffs and peeks around the edge of the building. You inch closer to him so you can see what's going on as well.

Error's POV

I can't tell what Chara's doing with his new body...Ink looks pretty pissed though, hahah. I tense up when I feel warm breathing on the back of my neck. It's (Y/N). I whip around to face her and my eyes widen at how close we are to each other. Normally with my Haphephobia (fear of being touched) I'd be freaking out, but with her...let's just say it's not fear that I feel. The distance between can't be more than three inches. I wonder if I could...

If I could maybe...

Break it.

I find myself staring at her soft pink lips, the source of her beautiful smile. My skull heats up when I realize what I'm doing and I turn away from her quickly, hiding my face in my scarf. What the hell are you doing Error?! My thoughts scream, You kidnapped this girl and now you've got feelings for her? What is this?! I just shake my head and stare back at where Chara was.

  "Oh shit," I mutter. It's Nightmare, and he looks furious. Him and Chara seem to be fighting about some special vial that Ink has. I knew Nightmare had some issues, but I've never seen him this angry.

  "I'm offering you my help in exchange for your freedom. NOW YOU BELONG TO ME," Nightmare snarls, his disgusting tentacles wrapping around Chara's neck. The kid gasps for air, grabbing at his throat.

  "You'll work for me and if you resist, well...we know what's going to happen," He growls. Chara coughs up purple blood.

  "I...need the o-other half," He stutters. His new red soul appears in front of him and half of it is being encased in black. Nightmare observes this for a moment, rolls his eyes, and drops the kid on the ground. Chara sits up and places a hand under his floating soul.

  "The fragment of the soul I took is vanishing..." He says quietly, a concerned look on his face, "What's happening in those other pacifist timelines?" Nightmare pinches the space between his eyes and grits his teeth.

  "Pathetic and useless..." He grumbles, "I don't have time to deal with you. Nevertheless, I need more staff. Your new partner will keep you alive until that X-Event thing is over," Suddenly, a Sans appears next to Nightmare. He has a bright red target floating in front of his chest and black streaks running down his face similar to mine.

  "Say hi to your new friend Killer," Nightmare says. Chara and Killer have a stand-off but Nightmare cuts them off.

  "We're going to see your 'friends'. I need to have some fun," With that, Nightmare opens a portal to...oh no.


Normal POV

You do nothing but stare in horror as Nightmare, Killer, and Chara step into Outertale. The portal closes and you drop to your knees.

  "What's happening?" You whimper, tears falling freely from your eyes as you place your head in your hands. You continue to cry at the chaos you just witnessed. Cross is gone...Underswap is Nightmare wants to rub salt into the wound.

  "Hey," Error says, causing you to look up, "isn't that Papyrus?" He points to a kneeling figure in the distance, clutching what appears to be...Underswap Chara's body. You let out an embarrassing sob.

  "It all makes sense now," You say shakily, "I was wondering where Cross Chara got the soul, but I see now that he stole it from Underswap Chara. They're going to die and Papyrus is staying with them to do the same..." You want to go to him so badly, but Error puts a hand on your shoulder and shakes his head.

  "He's choosing to do this," He tells you, "don't make things any worse for him than they already are," You nod silently, wiping your eyes.

  "Let's go over to Outertale, okay?" Error says, helping you up, "It's the one AU I actually enjoy, I can't let those idiots mess it up,"

  "...Okay," You say with a sniffle. He opens a portal and you both step through into the beautiful town of Starrin.


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