Chapter 11

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You and Error teleport into Underfell, joining Cross and Nightmare on a cliff. Error's scarf and Cross' cape dance in the wind and you shiver slightly, hugging yourself to stay warm. The four of you look down upon the path from Toriel's door. Cross summons his knife and draws his hood up over his head. He looks at Nightmare, who nods. Cross teleports out of sight.

"Now, we wait," Nightmare says, grinning and shoving his hands in his pockets. Error plops down in the snow and sighs, he seems bored with this whole thing already. You, on the other hand, fidget in your borrowed t-shirt. I hope Red doesn't get hurt... You think anxiously, Cross knows not to harm him, right? You bite your lip nervously. You don't realize it, but your body is glowing with orange energy.

"You okay, sunshine?" Error asks. You turn around to face him and force a smile.

"Yeah!" You say, "I'm totally...fine," Error raises an eyebrow.

"No you're not," He says, "what's buggin ya?" You sigh deeply.

"Well, I'm just worried about Red," You say, "he's my friend and I just hope Cross doesn't hurt him," Error chuckles.

"He'd be offended that you're worried about him," He says, "that guy's pretty tough, he'll be fine," You glance at Nightmare, who's listening in on your conversation.

"I dunno, Error," He says, "Cross is pretty resilient. I did tell him not to kill anyone though, so it should be alright,"

"Do you think I could go down and check?" You ask, unable to help yourself, "It would make me feel a lot better," Nightmare shrugs.

"It's fine with me," He replies carelessly. Not waiting for a response from Error, you slide down the mountain gracefully on your feet. Once you reach the bottom, you shake off bits of snow from your borrowed clothes and begin sprinting to Snowdin.

Error's POV

Dammit, I should've stopped her! Now I'm alone with Nightmare... He's alright, his tentacles kinda freak me out though. I hope (Y/N) stays out of trouble. She's extremely powerful, EXTREMELY, but she's still learning, which means she has a huge weakness. Hopefully she's smart enough not to show it...

I watch her small silhouette disappear in the distance and sigh. She looks pretty damn cute in my shirt... I feel my skull turn yellow and duck my head, unable to hide a small smile.

"Hah..." I mutter, closing my eyes. I hear a laugh to my right and turn to Nightmare with a scowl on my face, still slightly yellow.

"The hell you laughin at?" I ask. He just shrugs and his grin grows wider.

"Just somethin' I'm thinking about," He replies. I ignore him and look back in the direction (Y/N) ran in. It's very faint, but I see a red glow coming from where Snowdin is. Cross must be having some fun. In my opinion he's just a stupid anomaly, but Ink insists on protecting him. Not to be the hero, but so he can witness his ridiculous X-Event. If I could, I'd get rid of Cross with a snap of my fingers, but I can't do that to (Y/N). She's the reason I came on this little quest anyway and I feel like she'd be upset if I killed him... My eyelids (?) droop slightly and I place a hand under my chin thoughtfully.

"Hey, Nightmare," I start, "what do think about-," I'm cut off by the sound of many gaster blasters firing at once. Nightmare raises his eyebrows and I stand up rapidly.

"Oh shit...(Y/N)!" I exclaim, teleporting to Snowdin without even thinking twice. I've gotta protect her, as crazy as it sounds coming from a guy like me...I have to keep her safe.

Normal POV

You stand next to Cross behind a bright red shield protecting the both of you from Classic's multiple gaster blasters. He eyes you nervously.

  "You sure you can hold that up, kid?" Cross
asks. You nod in response, keeping your focus on the shield. The beams of blue light from Classic stop and Cross takes the opportunity to attack. To your horror, Red appears to fight against Cross.

  "Shit, RED!!!" You shout, sprinting out into the battle. You catch his attention and he's thrown off guard.

  "(Y/N)?" He says. Classic looks shocked as well. You stand in the middle of the chaos, tears in your eyes.

  "Why are you with him, kiddo?" Classic asks sadly. Your lip trembles and you just shake your head and run back to Cross. The hurt in his's too much. He doesn't know how big the situation really is. Cross acts quickly and corrupts Red, taking control of his body. A glitching white x covers his eyes and a red cross is strapped around his exposed soul.

Now, you, Cross, and Red face Classic

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Now, you, Cross, and Red face Classic. He's outnumbered. The massive red x Cross made in the ground earlier glows brighter and the trees around you glitch slightly.

  "...(Y/N)?" You hear a familiar voice ask. Your eyes widen and your mouth hangs slightly open. It can't be... Time slows down and all sound leaves your ears. Stray hairs blow gently around your face as your eyes water at the sight before you. Ink steps out from behind Classic, his eyes empty.

  "Get over here now," Ink commands. You grit your teeth and shake your head, unable to look him in the eye. Not saying anything, you back up so you're hiding behind Cross, who has a blank expression on his face.

  "Stay there, (Y/N)," He says, his voice muffled by his scarf. You nod.

  "So you're using Classic as your pawn," Cross says to Ink, "I guess I'll have to make this a fair fight then," He then manipulates Red so the edgy skeleton fights against Classic. Classic dodges his attacks with ease, a grin on his face the entire time. As you're watching the battle unfold, you hear a familiar pop behind you. You whip your body around to face Error. He grins at you.

  "Hey," He says, "thought I'd get a better view over here," You stare at him suspiciously, but eventually turn back around to watch the fight. Error shoves his hands in his pockets and watches in amusement. You have to put up a few shields here and there to block some stray attacks from the battle, but other than that you feel oddly relaxed. Ink doesn't even notice Error standing by you, he's too preoccupied with fighting Red and Cross. Your eyes widen at some of the attacks, you've never seen anything like what Cross can do.

The tables turn when Red regains control of his body...

You hear Error curse under his breath and your hands curl into fists.

  "No, no, no..." You mutter. Cross has a stand-off with Classic, Ink, and Red. You can't really see what's going on, but you notice Classic throws a pink slipper at Cross. Then, Red shoots a bone through Cross's arm.

  "NO!!" You shriek, starting to run over to help Cross. You're stopped by Error snatching your wrist just in time.

  "You don't wanna go over there," He says darkly, his pupils disappearing. Fear crosses your face and you hesitantly go back next to him. Red shoots a beam from a gaster blaster at Cross, but he teleports away just in time. You sigh in relief and turn to Error.

  "That's our cue to leave," He says, grabbing your arm and teleporting away from the scene.


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