Chapter 14

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A/N: I apologize for the late update, I'm on vacation with my family and quite busy. Anyway, enjoy the chapter!


Meteors soar across the sky, blindingly white. Distant planets and neon stars shine in the purple and navy blue expanse, glimmering like diamonds. You love Outertale, you've always loved it. The sight of this beautiful place distracts you from the deep sadness that's shaking your soul, it puts it aside for now. You take a deep breath, looking away from the sky and at your only ally.

"So what now?" You ask Error. He thinks for a moment.

"...I guess we have to find Ink before Nightmare and his friends do," Error replies. You nod.

"It'll be difficult, but I think we can do it," You say confidently.

"Maybe we could draw him to us," Error suggests, "it would be much easier than searching for him in this place,"

"Yeah! Good idea!" You reply, your voice going up a pitch. What the hell was that, (Y/N)?! You screech in your head, You sounded like a chipmunk!! Your cheeks flush red as Error stares at you awkwardly. He quickly looks away and hides in his scarf, which he's been doing a lot recently. Error clears his throat and draws the attention back to your main goal.

"I suppose we could use someone as bait," He says, "how about Outertale Sans?" You hum in response.

"I was thinking something bigger, like maybe his gang of Sanses," You say, "he's probably more focused on them since they've been with him all this time," Error nods.

"Sounds good. Let's go find them," He says. He holds out his arm to you and you grasp his hand for the second time.

In the blink of an eye, you're teleported to the outskirts of Outertale. Classic, Red, and Blue sit together chatting amongst themselves. From what you hear, they're looking for Ink too. Huh. Error brushes past you and holds up an arm almost lazily. Blue cords fly from his fingertips and grip their souls. You can't help but cringe at their gasps of pain. Error just turns to you and smirks, expecting you to be impressed with him. You just glare at him playfully, making him laugh to himself.

  "Now, we wait," He says simply, flicking the Sanses into the air with ease. You cup a hand over your mouth and stifle a yawn.

  "I'm sleepy..." You mutter, tilting your head to the right without thinking. You close your eyes as you rest your tired self on Error's tensed up shoulder. He stays completely still, not sure what to do with himself. His skull glows bright yellow and he slowly turns his head to look at you. He's about to say something when a flash distracts him. Your eyes shoot open, you saw it too.

You feel a presence near you, it's...not good. It's a very powerful and old soul, filled with terrifying knowledge and unimaginable abilities. The only being you see before you is Ink, though. He holds a glowing purple vial in his hand, all of his normal ones that're usually strapped across his chest are missing. He can't feel anything, You think sadly, those vials gave him emotions. This glowing one, though...I don't like it.

"X-Gaster's soul..." Error grumbles under his breath, staring intently at the glowing vial, "that Inky bastard's just waiting to release it and start the X-Event. I've gotta get that thing and stop this," You nod and stand your ground, glaring daggers at Ink. He stares back with dead eyes, his pupils missing their colors and his face missing any expression.

  "What are you doing." Ink asks, sounding like a zombie. Out of the corner of your eye, you spot Cross Chara, Nightmare, and Killer teleport over to watch the action unfold.

Sunshine (Error!Sans x Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now