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"Jungkook. . . I was wondering when you'd get here." Taehyung was met with the boy who stood in front of his apartment door. Looking more impatient than ever as he let himself inside. Uncaring of the fact that Taehyung didn't say for him to do so, as he threw the bag he carried onto the coffee table laid out in the living room.

And with a breathless grunt, Jungkook slid his fingers along the zipper. Dragging the black metal down just enough to reveal the packets of cocaine lingering within it as he met eyes with the elder who could see the angst lingering within his being. Angst that came from Jimin. Because he didn't know. Didn't know if he'd say something to Nami. Or find out what it was he was actually doing. Even if he already knew.

"We need to head over to Tee's house—"

"Kookie. . ." Taehyung cut him off. Having etched the most arrogant smirk amongst his lips that had the random girl he was fucking, screaming with pleasure. The same girl who left quicker than she had even stayed. And the same girl who had Jungkook's sister's eyes, brimming with tears as the man gave a head tilt. "At least say hello first."

But Jungkook stayed silent. Even if he let a scoff escape his lips. Too immersed in making sure the drugs were taken care of. And too immersed in the thought of having his sister know what he was doing behind closed doors. What had him coming home so late at night. And what had him randomly giving her money when he knew she needed it. Even if she wouldn't except it. Because she wouldn't allow herself to give in. Or do anything more than ask the boy where he was getting it from, even if Jungkook continued to lie. Telling the girl that he was only working on the side with a friend. And she believed him. She always did.

"I don't have time for your shit, hyung. Yoongi has me under a tight schedule and—"

"And what?" Taehyung cut him off all over again. Unable to suppress the amusement that exposed itself through his expression as he ran the length of his fingers along his chin. "Don't tell me you're afraid of the man already. . ."

Jungkook watched the way he let his head tilt. All while stalking up to the same coffee table the drugs were laying on before meeting Jungkook's eyes that had never been more deadly. Because he didn't want to seem intimidated by Yoongi. Didn't want to seem as though he was scared shitless of the man himself just like everyone else was.

"If you're afraid of being just a few minutes late. . . how the fuck do you think you're going to get with her?" Taehyung couldn't help but laugh. Knowing just how easy it was to get underneath the boy's skin. The same boy who's jaw had never been more clenched. And who could feel the immediate boiling of his blood. Because he knew exactly what and who he was talking about. He always did.

"You don't think people haven't tried before? Jesus the last time I even looked at her a certain way, he was already moving to fucking kill me." Taehyung scoffed. Remembering the moment like the back of his hand as he watched Jungkook tilt his head. Having the sharpness of his jaw be on full display. Disregarding the elders words because he didn't care. Didn't care that trying to do something he had no business doing could get him killed. Because he could feel the want in his veins. Want that would make him ruthless.

"Gain trust first, okay? And if you want to stay alive, keep your hands off of her." Taehyung shook his head even if the boy kept quiet. Not knowing just how true his words were. Because he didn't know just how valuable Ming was to Yoongi himself. Didn't know how much he loved the girl. Nor how much he's killed and sacrificed just to have her all to himself. And he wouldn't know. . . until it was his own body covered in blood.

"Can we just take care of this already? Huh?" Jungkook was tired of listening. Was tired of being told about just how worthless he was compared to the man who had everything he wanted. The girl. . . the money. . . the respect.

And in silence, Taehyung nodded. Too unbothered to do anything more than follow the boy out of the house. Because he wasn't worried about him getting killed. Wasn't worried about him doing something that would have his body drowned out in his own blood because Taehyung only wanted her. Wanted her to get distracted enough by him that she'd complexly forget about the man who could see the distance captive in her gaze. And the realization when it came to not receiving as much love or affection from the man as she'd like. Because Jimin wasn't there. Wasn't there for her mentally. Having always made the woman feel as though the pain could be simply brushed away, instead of being taken care of through time and communication. Communication that Taehyung was giving her. . . and not Jimin himself.

But he'd wait. He'd wait for everything to fall into place as Jungkook sped through the nightly traffic downtown. Trying to reach where he was. It being a client of Yoongi's who was close friends to the man himself. Even if he used to deal for him.

"Just stay here." Jungkook's words were so rushed. And in silence, the man got out of the car. Leaving Taehyung behind only to have him watch the way the front door opened the minute Jungkook let his knuckles rest on the glass. Making his eyes narrow as he studied the two who's bodies became hidden as they went inside. Taking what felt Ike hours to Taehyung as the man peered his gaze around the house. All until landing on somebody who was too distracted on the phone to notice him. And who had told yet another lie to his girlfriend about why he had to leave so suddenly after receiving a text message from him. And who had his lips curving themselves into a smirk. . . the minute he met Jimin's eyes.

All secrets are safe with me *evil laugh* mommy loves u all so, so much!! Thank you for reading as always and spicy shit coming quicker than not *extra evil laugh" night night !!

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