Hermione x Draco (lemon...kinda)

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Hermione was walking around Hogwarts she is an 18 year old now and she was fed up with Ron she had no idea why the hell she would like Ron if they were so different from each other. She was carrying her books close to her chest her eyes watering from the argument she had with Ron that ended their relationship. Now you remember Draco Malfoy the bad boy that made fun of Hermione, Harry & Ron? Well you see Draco always had a crush on her ever since day one at Hogwarts.
Well Draco was hiding in one of the pillars near the library so he could catch a glimpse of Hermione, but as he saw her walk to the library he saw something he never thought he'd see in his life. Hermione was crying and that shattered his heart, he felt anger boil up in him wanting to know who did this.
So instead of walking around the campus of Hogwarts he went to the library to talk to her. Hermione was sitting by a window sobbing quietly hugging her knees as the opened window blew gently at her beautiful golden brown hair that Draco just adored.
"Hey muggle why are you crying"
Draco cooled as Hermione looked up; he saw her brown eyes red and puffy from the crying.
"Go away Draco!"
Hermione snapped with a hiccup at the end.
Draco was taken aback by her sudden anger but he kept quiet and sat next to regardless of what she said.
Hermione and Draco laughed as they talked. Hermione was forgetting about Ron but she started to feel something in her stomach every time Draco smiles, laugh & most of all when he would just look at her, but after they finished and the library was coming to a close, but considering it was a Friday Draco asked Hermione out to just talk some more.
"Oh I don't know Draco... I mean it was nice talking to you but-"
Hermione stared as Draco gave her a cute pout like a child and then Hermione gave a joking glare.
"Oh fine"
She laughed and Draco smiled in victory and grabbed her hand leading her away from the campus they were still in their school uniforms.
Draco had token Hermione to a cabin near a lake.
"What is this place?"
Hermione asked in awe which made Draco smile as the moon light shined on her tanned skin making her glow like an angel.
"This used to be a cabin my dad had bought when I was younger"
Draco said opening the door with a key that he kept in his pockets.
"I use this cabin when I'm bored or just to think and when my dad yells at me for being useless"
Hermione had no idea his dad was like that she felt sorry for him but she shook it off as he showed her inside.
"Well as they say it mi casa es tu casa"
Draco said with a smirk as Hermione laughed but covered it and Draco sat on a couch and turned on the TV patting the side next to him for Hermione.
"Why do you cover your mouth when you laugh?"
Draco asked looking at her with a smile and she looked back at him with a slight blush on her face which made him smirk. She looked at him with an arched eyebrow and he moved closer to her.
Hermione the realised what he was doing and blushed a deep red, Hermione always had feeling for Draco only because they were nearly alike both smart and strong willed but she loved it when he was cold to her and then could be so nice and caring to her.
"Hermione... I-I I love you"
Draco blurted out with a blush as Hermione looked shocked at what she had heard.
Draco sighed and breathed in deeply and was about to say never mind but he was caught off guard when Hermione kissed Draco on the lips, he responded quickly and kissed back as he snaked his hands on her waist as she wrapped them on his neck tangling her fingers in his blonde hair.
Hermione pulled back bitting her bottom lip as she saw Draco's eyes half closed as he smirked a little.
"I love you too Draco"
Draco opened his eyes more and kissed Hermione again as he tugged on her bottom lip earning a moan from her she had never felt one of those kissed. When she was with Ron he would give soft ones but quick ones and that was it.
Draco slowly moved his kissed down to her jaw line then her neck and around near where the collar bone and neck are connected was her sweet spot. Draco smirked as Hermione gripped his jumper as he kissed that part of her neck.
Hermione moaned a little as he abused it leaving a love bite.
"Hermione Granger, will you be my girlfriend"
Draco whispered in her ear making her shiver from his hot breath at her ear and neck.
"Of course"
She breathed out with a blush it was the most amazing kiss she has had, Draco smirked and kissed her lips.

~The End~

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