William Herondale x Reader (lemon)

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London institute you and William lets say you never really get along and charlotte was slightly angered that you two could not even agree on the same thing besides hatred of ducks. It was christmas and you were making some dinner for everyone but here is the thing you and William okay had your heated arguments but you liked him not because of his looks bu his personality not the one when he is cold and distance but his loving one that only showed glimps. He was funny and he really understood you but you and William are oh so very the same you both prefer to hide your true emotions so others dont get hurt are hate you for who you really are. anyway off topic slightly when you were getting ready for bed you walked threw the tremendous hallways in the institute as you already now you walked to your door which was right across from William's room. You hand neared the door handle when you heard a small commotion coming from your room. The door slammed wide open and there stood the one and only William Herondale "Herondale! By the angel what on earth are you doing in my room" you sighed with a face palm he scoffed and looked at you which you tied oh so very hard not to lock eyes with him. His messy black hair his pale skin and his eyes his piercing blue eyes that held so many secrets. You stepped back slightly from the awkwardness but William grabbed your Arm with an iron grip, you were also a shadow he was by far stronger than you. His sinister smile was plastered in his pale skin he as beautiful as an angel but he was a demon in his personality.
"I need to tell you something" he said quietly so he wouldn't wake up anyone in the institute you looked at him and felt your face go red but like you always did you would do you yanked your arm away "William I suggest you head to your room before Charlotte finds out" you said slightly harshly he just smiled tho it seemed he was broken "you don't understand ____ I really need to tell you something" his voice slightly cracked and you gave in.

You and William were in his room he was sitting in his bed which was plain and you were sitting next to him, he was quiet until he opened his mouth "I really like you ____ like really like" he explained you stared at him in disbelieve did he really say those words that were to be thought would never happen "um sorry I dazed out...what?" You asked in pure shock he repeated himself yet again and you blinked as he said them thing as before but what shocked you was that he kissed you. It was soft yet and a feel of hungry lust, you shut your eyes just to taken in the once in a life time chance.
His hand snaked on your waist and his other hand was rested on the back of your neck deepening the kiss. He licked your lip for entrance which you allowed he moved his hand up and massaged your breast you held in a moan and pulled back looking away, this action shocked "Will" you huffed still looking away "____ I love you, you know that right?" He said with a nervous smile not sure if you would return his feelings "I know..." You mumbled he pulled back looking at you with desperation "not the answer I was looking for" he said in a joke type of way but you could tell he was really disappointed "William...I don't like you but how can I trust you when you don't trust anyone" you said he looks at you and kisses your lips taking you by surprise. "_____ I do love you, you are like me in so many ways and I always trust you I may not talk to you much but...somehow when I'm upset you always make me smile you know when I am bothered you stand up for me when clearly I am in the wrong" he chuckled "and by the angel. I love you ____ till the day I die I will always love you" you kissed him and his kissed back.

The clothes were now off you were under him and he was hovering you watching you like a predator does to its pray. You shifted slightly and he smirked that devilish smirk that you just fall for all the time his blue eyes looking you down your eyes locked and he kissed you cheek as he slowly slid into you clawed at his forearm his pale body pressed perfectly on you. He slowly moved in and out making you feel the most pleasure you could ever imagine. He whispered kind beautiful words in your ear which amazed you you would have thought he would say dirty things but he didn't. He continued to thrust then all of a sudden he lifted your hips up slightly and thrust and your eyes shut open normally you were quiet in your "active" relationships but as soon as he lifted your hips and thrusted he hit a wonderful spot and you moaned slightly. He stopped and looked at you "are you okay love?" He asked in worry you panted "do that again~" you purred slight he did as told and you tighten around his hard member and he grunted and you moaned. He grabbed one of your legs throwing it over his should and he was now deep inside you making you go wild. He thrusted faster and stronger sending you off the edge.

Finally you were done and exhausted he released and laid next to you n both of you were panting he hugged you protectively and you soon feel into a deep peaceful slumber as did he.

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