Chapter Thirty-Two

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2:54 AM.

Six hours since they returned home.

Six hours since Miyeon was taken.

Monster grabbed at his hair. He was leaning over his desk, as he had been for the previous three hours, and the stress was adding up. No sign of where Letchner was, nothing but that fucking note that sat in the corner of his desk, taunting him....

He heard a sigh behind him, followed by a familiar voice.

"I already know what you're doing. Blaming yourself."

Monster turned to face Jin, who stood in the doorway, eyes focused on him grimly. "You know it's not your fault, Namjoon."

"Who else is there to blame?" Monster spat, not angry with Jin but so frustrated with....everything that it seeped into his tone. "My plan failed. The whole plan to keep Miyeon's age and destroy's all ruined."

Jin let out a long sigh again. Monster turned away from him, feeling too embrrassed to look in his eyes, but soon Jin was propped up against the desk beside him, hands pressed against the desktop next to Monster's map.

"I'm trying as hard as I can to find him, Seokjin," Monster said, voice slightly wavering. "I don't know what else to do. Everything I can think of leads nowhere."

His eyes darkly glanced at the note Letchner left. He felt his teeth clench.

"Namjoon." Jin's voice was smooth and calm. Monster didn't know how he stayed so composed under situations like this, but thank God he did. Without him, Monster's anxiety would rip him apart. "We're going to find her."

"But she's with him, right now. What if she's--"

"She's strong. She survived her whole life with him. She'll fight back against him until we can get to her, which will be soon."

His eyes shone down on Monster's with determination. "We're going to hit him harder than ever."

Monster sighed, more out of relief. He was still anxious, his heart pounded every time he laid eyes on the map with X's strewn across and the taunting, disgusting letter in the corner of his desk.....but Jin was helping. And he was right. Monster would never stop until Miyeon was safe and Letchner was dead.

"Sorry I haven't been up to help you until now," Jin said. "I was just trying to figure out what to do."

"Fuck, I get that. I've already sent Hoseok, Yoongi, and Taehyung to four separate locations and each time comes up empty, and--"

"Well....." Jin interrupted, his voice soft. "It was kind of about...something else."


Jin bit his lip. Monster watched his serene expression finally become something of more stress, or even...sadness?

"It's Jungkook."

Monster inhaled sharply. He had forgotten to check on him. He didn't want him going out to do field searching like the rest of them; Jungkook was the most likely to act emotionally, obviously, and he didn't want him doing anything dangerous.

"What's going on?"

"I went to see him a few hours ago." Jin twisted his mouth up dejectedly. "He was practically sobbing."

Monster felt his heart fall to his feet. Jungkook was emotionally-controlled, but Monster had never seen Jungkook cry until Jimin. And now it was happening again in such short span. He didn't deserve this.

Monster started to get up. "Let me go talk to him now--"

"You can't."

Jin's eyes were wide with warning. Monster sat back down. "Why not?"

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