Just a Bad Dream

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There were two gun shots and the two men fell to the ground, almost in sync, Paul hitting the concrete sidewalk they had been standing on less than half of a second after John.

Paul tried to stay awake, knowing he might not ever open his eyes again if he closed them for more than a second. He glanced over at John, who appeared unconscious. Then Paul spotted John's wound - it was alarmingly near John's heart, maybe it was even in John's heart - Paul couldn't tell. The shooter had missed by a more comfortable interval with Paul, though it certainly wasn't good. Paul was shot in the chest as well, but on the other side. The bullet went into his right lung.

Luckily, plenty of people had seen the shooting and someone had used a nearby payphone to call the police and an ambulance. Paul could already hear the sirens approaching quickly, and he finally felt he was able to stop fighting against his body's urge to fall asleep. Help had arrived.

The paramedics quickly assessed the situation and carefully lifted both men into the ambulance. They were both unconscious, but breathing.


Paul woke up, breathing heavily. John Lennon, his boyfriend of 3 years, had shaken him awake.

"Paul, Love, are you alright? You were sorta freaking out in your sleep, darling. You scared me," John smiled comfortingly at Paul.

"Did I wake you? Sorry, Johnny, it was just a bad dream, I'm fine," he smiled back at John to reassure him that he was ok. John Just nodded and glanced at the clock. It was only 6 am but they were going to have to get up in an hour or so, anyways, so they decided to stay in bed, staring at each other, and telling each other they loved each other.

Paul was only 22 and John 23, but they had known each other since Paul was 15, and they  had been best friends ever since. When Paul was 19, he had confessed his feelings to John, not expecting John to reciprocate them, only wanting to get this secret off of his chest. He never expected it would turn out as well as it did. Paul looked at the time again, and realized it was nearly 7:30.

"We should probably get up, John, we have to be at the studio by 9:00." Paul said, sitting up, but John pulled him back down and wrapped his arm around Paul, holding him close.

The older man kissed Paul's jawline and whispered into his skin "I don't want to," is all he said. Paul shuddered at the feeling of John's lips moving lightly against his skin, barely touching him. Paul wrapped his arms around John's neck and kissed him lightly and sweetly. John took the opportunity to kiss Paul back but with a lot more passion. He now sat up and pulled Paul onto his lap, despite just complaining about having to do the exact thing he'd just opted to do. Paul was now in his lap, with his legs wrapped around John's waist. This was a common occurrence with John. Paul knew nothing was really going to come of it, other than more kissing, and that was fine with Paul. John moved one of his hands up from Paul's back into his hair. He twisted it around his fingers and pulled on it ever so slightly, smirking into the kiss.

"I love you," Paul pulled away and whispered, still only centimeters from John's face. He got out of bed and headed into the bathroom to shower and get ready to leave.

He had forgotten all about his nightmare by now.

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