I've Just Seen a Face (bonus chapter)

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By now, John had sat down again, but now on their bed. He quickly unbuttoned Paul's shirt and slid it off, then just as swiftly pulled his own plain white t-shirt off over his head. John slowly moved his hands over Paul's chest, and down his torso, until he the button of Paul's jeans. He pulled it out of its hole and the zipper soon came down with it. John pulled away from their continuous making out, and pushed Paul against the headboard, though he was still sitting. John sat across from him, and placed his hand on Paul's thigh. He slowly moved it to the inside of Paul's thigh, as the younger man's breath hitched. John looked Paul in the eyes as he moved his hands over Paul's erection. He watched as Paul closed his eyes for a moment and let out a quiet but slow moan. John pulled off Paul's boxers, but left them around his ankles. He grabbed Paul's erection and rubbed up and down, increasing his speed every time he heard his lover moan. All of a sudden John stopped, and took off his own pants and boxers all in one go. Both men were now completely naked. John pulled out a bottle of lube and applied it to his own erection, before lining himself up and pressing in to Paul's hole. He gave Paul a moment to adjust before picking up the same speed he'd had a few moments earlier with the hand job he had given Paul. Paul arched his back and gripped onto the sheets as John repeatedly hit his spot. Paul came first and, John came immediately after into Paul. John pulled out and got a towel from the bathroom to clean up. When he got back, Paul was fast asleep.

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