A Drunken Paul

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Paul was once again staring at a pale, almost dead version of himself. Lying in a hospital bed, the only sign that he was alive being the heart monitor beeping at a steady pace. This dream was practically identical to the dream from the previous dream, save minuscule details like what exact moments the nurse would come in to check on him.


Paul had had practically that same dream now for a couple weeks straight. He had of course been weirded out by the continuing dreams from the beginning, but this was even stranger. Each dream was a little different, sometimes the nurse was different, and they would do slightly different things each time they entered the room. They still did the same routine checks each time, but little things were different, like the angle of the nurse's foot, or the nurse's facial expression when she walked in the room. It was just like real life. Paul brushes this off. His brain must have just been doing that to make it all seem more realistic.

Today, they had to go back to the studio to start recording Rubber Soul. They were putting In My Life and I've Just Seen a Face on the album (after changing the "he"s to "she"s, the "boy" to "girl", and the "him" to her"). They had written 12 other songs that were going on the album also. There was some extra pressure with this album, because it was their first album that didn't contain any covers. After spending all day recording, all four beatles decided to go out to a pub.


Paul and George were both drunk, while John and Ringo were still mostly sober. The four men had to find a booth in the back corner of the room, partly because of fans, and partly because Paul was hanging off of John, trying to make out with him. A small part of John thought it was cute, but most of him found it to be annoying, having to constantly push Paul's face away from him while he was trying to have a conversation with Ringo.

George had gone off to talk to a group of girls. They seemed pretty disgusted by him, which John found hilarious, because it was quite the opposite reaction that George was used to getting. Paul gave up on trying to kiss John, and instead just sat there with his hand on Johns leg. John was still talking to Ringo about his recent marriage, when Paul all of a sudden grabbed John's crotch and giggled at him drunkenly. John pushed his hand away, and glared at him. "Paul," John whispered firmly as Ringo watched awkwardly. Paul was still laughing and trying to touch John, so John stood up and grabbed Paul's hand, dragging him with him. "Sorry Ringo, I think we're gonna head home," Ringo nods understandingly, and goes off to find George. John pulls Paul out of the pub and they call a cab to take them home.


John and Paul had just returned home and Paul was still trying to get in John's pants. John gave up and let Paul make out with him, but nothing more. He had to hold Paul's hands down to stop him from trying to pull John's shirt off. Eventually John pulled away and tried to get Paul to go to bed. Since he refused, John picked Paul up, and threw him over his shoulder. He dropped Paul into bed, and quickly got into bed with him before he could escape. He held Paul against him, and Paul quickly fell asleep with his head resting on John's chest. John smiled at the younger man's soft snoring, and he twisted Paul's hair around his fingers absentmindedly, until eventually both men were asleep.

I think there's only going to be one or two more chapters, plus an epilogue and they might all be posted today/tomorrow? I don't know, I'm in the mood to write and I hate having un-published drafts so. Also thanks for 100 views! I know that isn't a lot to some people but it's more than I thought I'd ever get, and it means a lot <3

Hope you liked it! Make sure to comment, vote, and follow!! <3 <3 <3 also, thanks for 50 views!!

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