You've Got to Hide Your Love Away

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The four Beatles had just finished recording Eight Day's a Week, and they decided to call it a day. Paul looked at John and smiled, not for any reason, just 'cause he was happy. John has already put his guitar away and walked over to Paul to take his bass for him as well, giving him a quick kiss, before he slid the guitar strap over Paul's head.

Ringo looked over at them for a moment, before returning to his conversation with both George Harrison and Martin. The corners of Ringo's mouth turned up a little, he had always thought Paul and John were cute together. He returned to the conversation, realizing George was getting ready to leave. George had given him a ride over, so Ringo followed George out the door when he left. George Martin looked at Paul and John

"Are you two leaving, now, or do you want me to leave you the keys to lock up?" He asked, knowing sometimes they liked to stick around and play around with the instruments, testing out different tunes that they might want to turn into songs later. Of course they had their own guitars in their apartment, but they liked having a piano, and drums, and a much larger range of instruments to draw inspiration from.

"If you wouldn't mind," Paul responded. John was already testing out a new melody on the piano. Paul sat next to him on the bench and just watched him for a while.

"Any words to that song yet?" He asked, still watching John as though he was the most interesting thing Paul had ever looked at.

"Hm? Uh yeah, a few..." he looked at Paul quickly before starting again with the tune.

Everywhere people stare
Each and every day
I can see them laugh at me
And I hear them say

Hey you've got to hide your love away
Hey you've got to hide your love away

How can I even try?
I can never win
Hearing them, seeing them
In the state I'm in

How could she say to me
"Love will find a way?"
Gather round all you clowns
Let me hear you say

Hey you've got to hide your love away
Hey you've got to hide your love away

John looked back up at Paul, to see if he liked it. Paul looked like he was deep in thought. "It's beautiful, John, really," He looked into John's eyes as he said this. "Is it about, um..."

"Us? Yeah - I hope you don't mind. It doesn't have to go on an album if you don't want, and obviously there's going to be another bit in the beginning to match the second verse, I just haven't come up with anything yet, and it will probably mention a girl, just so that, y'know" he rushed through his words, feeling nervous for some unknown reason.

Despite the other Beatles, Brian Epstein, George Martin, both John and Paul's families, and a few close friends, all knowing about the song-writing duo's relationship - the rest of the world certainly didn't, and they couldn't. Not for a long time at least, but honestly they were ok with that. They weren't likely to flaunt their relationship even if one of them was a girl, it just wasn't really their style. They hardly went anywhere out in public nowadays anyways, because they would always get recognized so they hardly ever had to hide their love away, but they both knew that wasn't true for most couples like them, and sometimes Paul would get the sudden urge to hold John's hand at a press conference, or kiss him on stage at a show, but of course he couldn't.


Paul woke up in a cold sweat. He had had another nightmare, this one being less scary and more... panicky? He was being transported into an ambulance, it almost seemed as though it picked up right where the last one left off, except he couldn't feel any pain this time.

He was just... there... watching everything happen. John was in the ambulance too but Paul couldn't see him except for his hair falling back off his forehead because he was laying on his back. There were EMTs all around him and a few surrounding Paul too, but they were mainly focused on John. The ambulance's engine turned on and the second it started to speed towards the hospital, Paul woke up.

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