I've Just Seen a Face

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Today had been Paul and John's four year anniversary of when they first started dating, and the eight year anniversary of when they first met. The two lovers had spent the day at a picnic in a nearby park.

Now, they were sitting in bed - John has the lamp on his nightstand on, but facing away from the bed, so it wouldn't be too bright for Paul who was half-trying to sleep and half-watching John with admiration. John was whispering to himself and writing in his notebook. "What are you writing?" Paul asked, after trying to sleep for a few minutes and not getting any results.

"Just some tune I've had in my head for a little while. I don't have any words yet, I'm just writing out the chords." John flinched a little when Paul spoke, because the room had been silent other than John's nearly inaudible mumbling, but smiled for a moment when Paul finished talking. He didn't know why. Paul just made him happy. It seemed like he was always smiling whenever Paul was doing anything, no matter how mediocre it was.

Paul didn't answer, he had fallen asleep. John chuckled under his breath, leaned down to kiss Paul's cheek gently, and continued writing in his notepad.


Paul watched a paler and more frail version of himself lying in a hospital bed, silent, unmoving, but alive. The surgery had been successful but (dream) Paul was still unconscious. Paul looked around the room. It had the same white plainness of the Operating room, except it had a window and the only people besides Paul himself was a nurse that would come in every so often to see if he had woken up, or any of the many monitors attached to him had changed at all. Paul realized that he hadn't seen John in his dreams for a couple days. He knew John had been shot too, but he didn't even know if he survived in the dream. Paul shrugged to himself, he supposed he'd find out when dream Paul eventually woke up. Until then, Paul didn't really mind. He wasn't worried. It was only a dream after all, and had no real effect on anything. Dream Paul never woke up during this night's dream.


Paul had woken up bored, which was understandable considering he had essentially just watched someone sleep all night. He wanted to go and do something. He looked at the clock. It was already 10:00 am. He sat up and wiped the drowsiness out of his eyes. John wasn't there, but he could smell something cooking in the kitchen. It made Paul wonder what would happen if he stayed in bed. A smirk grew across Paul's face - he knew if he never got up, John would bring him breakfast in bed. So Paul lied down again, savoring the few extra moments of warmth.

To no one's surprise, a few minutes later, John entered with a plate full of eggs, bacon, and pancakes. He set the plate down on Paul's night stand and kneeled next to the bed. John kissed Paul's forehead, and Paul fluttered his eyes open, pretending he had been asleep the whole time. "Hello," he whispered in a hoarse voice that he only had in the mornings. John picked up the plate and held it in front of Paul's face. Smiling, Paul quickly sat up and took the plate from John. Before he started eating, he patted the bed on the other side of him, where John slept.
"I have to turn the stove off, Macca, but I'll be right back," Paul bit into a piece of bacon as John walked out of the room. No more than 30 seconds later, John had joined him back in bed. John was sitting so the two men's legs were right up against each other, and he had his head resting on Paul's shoulder. They didn't really have anything they had to do. Of course they had to write more songs for their next album but they could do that whenever, and they came pretty easy.


Paul got out his guitar and tuned it, before calling John over. He had written a song quite a while ago, and he realized he had never played it for John. Paul was in the kitchen, sitting on the floor, with his back up against the cabinets underneath the counter. Not for any reason in particular, that's just where Paul felt like sitting. John sat across from Paul, with his legs crossed. He knew Paul was going to play him something, and he was excited to hear it, whatever it was.

Paul smiled at John quickly before strumming the upbeat intro. Then he started to sing.

I've just seen a face,
I can't forget the time or place
Where we just met.
He's just the boy for me
And I want all the world to see
We've met, mm-mm-mm-m'mm-mm

Had it been another day
I might have looked the other way
And I'd have never been aware.
But as it is I'll dream of him
Tonight, la-da-da-da'n'di.

Falling, yes I am falling,
And he keeps calling
Me back again.

I have never known
The like of this, I've been alone
And I have missed things
And kept out of sight
But other boys were never quite
Like this, di-di-di-di'n'di.

Falling, yes I am falling,
And he keeps calling
Me back again.

Falling, yes I am falling,
And he keeps calling
Me back again.

I've just seen a face,
I can't forget the time or place
Where we just met.
He's just the boy for me
And I want all the world to see
We've met, mm-mm-mm-m'mm-mm

Falling, yes I am falling,
And he keeps calling
Me back again.

Falling, yes I am falling,
And he keeps calling
Me back again.

Oh falling, yes I am falling,
And he keeps calling
Me back again.

Paul finished and as he played his final strum, he looked into John's eyes, to get his opinion. John was smiling and blushing a little. "You like it?" Paul asked, knowing obviously he did, but he liked hearing John say it. John nodded "did you write that recently?"

Now it was Paul's turn to blush - he was embarrassed and he hopes John wouldn't ask that question "no, um, actually I write it years ago. Around when I met you. It's about you though. I guess I thought it was garbage even while I was writing it in 1957, and I shoved it away in the back of a box somewhere. I found it when I was going through some of my old stuff, and fixed it up a little," Paul responded, realizing he had just way over-explained the situation. He smiled at John nervously, and John laughed.

"That's cute," he responded, knowing his short answer would annoy Paul. Paul whined and leaned his guitar against the counter. He crawled a foot across the floor, into John's lap. John straightened his legs out, and Paul wrapped his arms around John's neck, and kissed him lovingly, but also with a hint of lust. John kissed back, increasing the intensity, as Paul wrapped his legs around John's torso and John stood up, all without breaking the kiss. Paul bit John's lip lightly, and Paul slipped his tongue into John's mouth when John's mouth opened a little. John quickly won dominance and took over. By now, John had sat down again, but now on their bed.

The next chapter is just a little bonus chapter that continues this scene ;)), you can skip it if you want and not miss any of the story.

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