A Hangover

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Paul watched himself lie in the hospital bed again. However, something was different this time. Right at the end of his dream, just a couple minutes before Paul was going to wake up, he saw himself move. He thought he saw his lip twitch a little, and his pointer finger on his left hand shifted a little. The Paul in the hospital bed didn't wake up though, and shortly after, the real Paul woke up.


Paul felt weird today. He figured he just had a hangover, so he turned around to face John and he gently shook him awake. John stirred awake and as soon as he looked at Paul, he could tell what was wrong. "Hangover?" He whispered hoarsely.

Paul propped himself up on his elbows and nodded. John pulled Paul back down and held the younger man against him. Paul buried his face in John's neck, covering his eyes from the sunlight seeping in through the curtains. John wrapped his arms around Paul's waist and they both fell into a hazy state, going in and out of sleep. Paul eventually woke up 100% and realized his headache had only gotten worse. He let out a low groan and buried his face into his pillow. John woke up and stroked Paul's hair gently "what's wrong, Macca?" He said softly into Paul's ear.

"My head hurts," Paul mumbled into the pillow and turned to look back at John. John got out of bed, and returned less than a minute later with a couple small pills and a glass of water. He gave them to Paul, who sat up in bed and took the pills before setting the glass down next to the bed. John got back in bed and pulled Paul into his lap. Paul wrapped his legs around John's waist and buried his face in John's soft white t-shirt. John ran his fingers through Paul's hair and kissed the top of his head softly. Paul fell asleep again, perfectly content.

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