Dinner and a Movie

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Paul was having another dream. He pretty much knew it was coming, based on the previous two nights. He wasn't scared anymore, more confused. What did these dreams mean? Why was he all of a sudden getting them?

This time, the ambulance was pulling to a stop and the men inside the ambulance were getting ready to transport Paul and John into the hospital. Paul was able to follow the men through the hospital doors, and he saw nurses crowd around both of them as the EMTs informed the nurses of their statuses. Paul couldn't hear what they were saying, only hearing the word "gunshot" a couple times, which he already figured was what was wrong, based on his first dream. The nurses hooked them up to a bunch of different tubes and wires and immediately took them both in different directions for surgery. As soon as the gunshot wounded Paul was out of Paul's sight, he woke up.

Paul began to wonder if his dreams were some kind of prophecy. Was the couple going to get shot? Would someone find out they were gay and try to kill them, or maybe actually kill them? Paul shook off the thought - why would he dream about something that was going to happen in the future? How would he dream about something that was going to happen in the future? He told himself to stop over-analyzing the dreams, and came to the conclusion that they stemmed from his worry of being caught with John, and they didn't really mean anything.


Today was their day off and John and Paul wanted to do anything but talk about the Beatles. They certainly weren't tired of the band, but when that's all you do all the time, it's reasonable to want to forget about it for a few hours at least.

"Hey do you think we could go on a date? Obviously we can't like... go on a date but we can still go on a date, y'know?" Paul looked up at John as he spoke, and John sat next to him on the couch.

"What the hell does that mean?" Paul answered, smiling at John's illogical statement, but also looking confusedly at him.

"Y'know like go to the movies and dinner or something, but don't make it look like an actual date. Just... like friends hanging out,"

"You realize that's pretty much just a normal date... whenever you're on a date, do you usually scream out 'I'm on a date!!!'?"

John just laughed and grabbed both of their jackets, tossing Paul's onto the couch. "Come on, Macca, there's a showing at 6:00" Paul jumped up and followed John out the door.


After the movie, they walked a couple blocks to a restaurant they had heard was good, and not too fancy, so it wouldn't look weird if they went together. They say across from each other at a table for two and talked for a while, until they got their food. They got recognized by fans a couple times despite having disguises on, but it wasn't as bad as usual, and they enjoyed meeting fans. It's really nice to meet people that enjoy your music, just not when there are hundreds of them swarming you. After dinner, they went to a park and watched the sun set. They found a quiet corner where no one was around so they could at least hold hands. They were of course being extremely alert so they could quickly drop their hands if anyone approached them, but no one ever did. They returned to their apartment around 10:00 pm, exhausted but content. They cuddled on the couch, until Paul fell asleep, and John had to carry him to bed.

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