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It was now 1980, and Paul was still miserable. His career had ended 15 years earlier, but he still had money from the Beatles as well as a book he had written about John and him. He chronicled every single memory between the two of them. He never planned on publishing it, but he wanted the world to see their relationship as more than just s gay relationship. It was just a relationship. A relationship between two people who loved each other more than anything in the world and death had to pull them apart.

The man that shot them was of course put in prison, but there were many people that thought he did the right thing and wanted him to be released. Paul hadn't been prosecuted for committing homosexual acts, because there wasn't any real proof besides a crazed fans word, which wasn't taken very seriously, considering she had broken into their home. A few years later, being gay was decriminalized, which is what allowed Paul to publish the book he wrote.


Today was the 25 year anniversary of the day John died. Paul went to visit his grave stone, and placed a letter onto the earth in front of the stone. He sat in front of John's grave for hours. Staring at the lettering etched into the stone. He only wished he had died instead. What did John do that made him deserve this more than Paul?

Dear John,
I love you. I know you don't necessarily believe in heaven or hell or anything like that but I hope you're somewhere, and I hope you can read this, and I wish that it could have been me instead. You had so much more to do with your life. You had so much more potential. You wouldn't have even let our relationship ruin your career, like I did. Me surviving was a waste. I didn't do anything special, because I was too busy being depressed. You would have done a thousand more great things and written a thousand more great songs. I don't understand why you had to die and I got to live. I suppose it was just chance, or maybe fate. I hope I get to join you wherever you are soon. I love you.

- Paul

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