Chapter 6

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Jake and I had a lot of fun at the amusement park! It was know as Andy's Fun Town and Food Court! I know, really long name but the place is great. We spent our time eating, playing carnival games, going on rides and all other stuff. By the time the amusement park was about to close, it was 6pm. We'd been here for at least four hours. 

"Wow! It's really late! Should we go?" I asked Jake.

"Come on! I wanna try one more thing!" he whined.

"Fine!" I said.

"Awesome! Come on!" he said

He grabbed my hand and broke into a sprint. I ran too so I wouldn't trip and bring him down with me. When I saw where he wanted to go, I froze. It was a haunted house. I was terrified of those.

"Let's go!" he said.

He was about to go in but I grabbed his hand and pulled him back.

"What's wrong? Are you afraid?" he asked me.

I thought he'd make fun of me but he sounded more concerned than amused.

"Kind of!" I said in a timid voice.

"Well, how about this?" he said and he put his arm around my shoulder and he pulled me closer.

"Wha-what are y-you doing?" I stammered nervously.

I so totally knew I was blushing. I could feel it. But Jake didn't care.

"I'm keeping you close, so you won't be afraid. If you get scared then hold onto me tighter. I'll protect you!" he said reasurringly.

He trying to protect me! I was thankful for the gesture. I held onto him closely and we entered the haunted house.


When we came out, I was totally shaken up. Mostly because I got so scared that I tripped and twisted my ankle. So we came back earlier than expected. Since my ankle hurt and Jake was worried it would swell if I walked, he decided to carry me. Not on his back, but bridal style. It was seriously embarassing. I buried my face into his chest so no one, especially not him, would see me blushing. After he found first aid and tied a cloth to my ankle, he apologized.

"Why are you apologizing?" I asked.

"If I didn't volunteer to take you in there, this wouldn't have happened. So I'm sorry!" he said while bowing his head.

"It's just a sprain! Besides, it's not like I broke my foot or something!" I said.

"But what if you did!" he said loudly that it startled me. "If something happened to you, then I'd never forgive myself!" he said and then he started to sob.

I was really surprised. He cared so much for me. He was so sweet. There's absolutely no way I could stop myself from falling in love with him. I hugged and comforted him. When he was done crying, he carried me back to the car. During the car ride, he didn't say one single word to me. It felt really awkward. Once we were at my house, he opened my door and then he carried me inside. He took me all the way to my room and set me down on my bed.

He looked around.

"Whoa! Nice room!" he said.

I blushed.

"Th-thanks!" I stammered.

He leaned in and kisses my forehead.

"G'night, Carrie!" he said

He tried to leave but I quickly grabbed his arm.

"No! Please stay! I, um, don't want to be alone right now!" I said. 

I was trembling. I really didn't want to be alone. 

"OK! I'll stay! Is there an extra room?" he asked.

"Yeah! It's down the hallway, to the right! It was my..."

I stopped. I didn't want to tell him about that person. Not yet anyway!

"Cool! If you're scared, just gi'me a ring, kay?" he said.

"Sure! 'Night!" I said.

"See ya in the morning!" he said 

He waved and then left my room. That night, I was glad to know I wasn't alone in the house. That there was still someone there. I was really happy at that thought. And I knew that I loved Jake, no matter what!"


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