Chapter 18

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Jake and I were walking through the halls when we were approached by the devil child. I mean his brother. But to be fair, he is kind of the devil child.

"Hello, brother. And hello Carrie!" he said smirking.

"Harry!" said Jake, giving him a deadly glare.

"I just hope you know that tomorrow I'll be graduating! Since finals are over, I'll be moving on to college soon." said Harry.

"Yeah, we know!" I said in a mocking tone.

"We can't wait for the day you'll leave our lives forever!" said Jake angrily.

"Oh, I may not be leaving forever but I may leave for a while! Let's see where destiny takes us!" said Harry.

I shot him a deadly glare and he returned it with a mischevious grin.

"Bye!" he said

Then he left. Jake looked at me and smiled.

"Well, I guess we won't see him for a while!" he said 

I nodded and put my arm around his waist while he put his around my shoulders. 


I was watching some TV when I got a text. 

Girl, let's hang out! - C

Hanging out definately sounded like a good plan. After all the studying and exams, I needed some time with my gal pal. So Chloe and I went out for coffee.

"So, let me get this straight. Harry is actually graduating? Wow, who knew someone like him could actually graduate let alone get good results in finals!" said Chloe.

I laughed. 

"Good to see someone gets my jokes!" she giggled.

"Hey, I always love your jokes!" I said.

"You know, I wonder what'll happen to us when we graduate? Will we still be friends or not?" she said sadly.

Wow, now that was a downer. I never thought about that. 


I was restless that night! All I could think about was graduating! What would it be like? Would Chloe and I still be friends? Most importantly, would I still be dating Jake? I obviously don't want to go to college. But what if he does? Then we'd be seperated! We may even break up! I couldn't bear to live like that! Time changes people. I decided to sleep on that idea. So I drifted of to sleep.


My dream was a nighmare. I was trapped inside a glass box. I couldn't break free. There were people outside. Laughing, whispering and making faces. Probably at me. Suddenly water started pouring in. I was drowning. I couldn't reach the stop. Slowly, very slowly I was losing my breath and...


I woke up sweating terribly. It was morning. Today was the day seniors would graduate. I got up and changed into my uniform. As always, I looked at my reflection. Panick stricken. I rushed to school so I wouldn't be late. Like every morning, Peter was at work. I slipped into the ceremony hall and took a seat next to Jake.

"Hey, babe!" he said planting a kiss on my cheek.

"Hey, did I miss anything?" I asked.

"Nope! Just in time!" he said.

We turned to face the stage. Seniors were gathered on the stage. One by one, they were handed diplomas and told to say a few words. By the time it was over, I was asleep. Someone shook my shoulder and I bolted up straight looking at the stage. It was over. Chloe was the one shaking me.

"Where's Jake?" was my first question.

"With his parents. They had to come to congratulate their 'son'!" she said the last word making a signal with her fingers. I went outside and saw Jake and his parents with their ex-son, Harry.

Jake saw me, excused himself and came over to me.

"How was your nap?" he asked me with a grin

I started blushing.

"Were you congratulating him?" I asked.

"Nah! My parents were, sort of anyway!" he said,

"So, does that mean you won't be living in your older brothers shadow anymore?" I giggled.

"When did I ever?" he said putting his arm around me. 

"True!" I said and we walked of to 'congratulate' Harry. But as long as I was with Jake, I didn't care who I was meeting!


Sorry for the short chapters people! I'm trying my best! Anyway, please like, vote and comment. Thanks! :D

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