Chapter 1

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The world is full of many emotions, happiness, joy, anger. But most of all, there's love and there's loss. I am one of the people who have experienced loss. My name is Carrie Andrews. I'm 16. I'm the type of girl you'd see in the hallways of school who's always shy and alone. I'm the kind who isn't brave and can't speak up for herself. I lost my father when I was very young, and my mother has cancer. The doctors say she doesn't have that much time left. Every time I think about losing her, I cry. So much, that in the end, there aren't any more tears left to shed. The fact that I'm about to lose my only other family is something that I can't bear. If I do lose her, then I'll be all alone. There'll be no one to comfort me. No one to take care of me, not that anyone does now, since my mom's always in the hospital. Hopefully, soon everything will change for the better.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock.

"Uh, turn off!" I moaned. It was time to get up.

I got up and went to the mirror. I have this weird habit of looking at my expression every morning when I wake up. Whenever I look at my expression it's always sad.

"It's time to start another day!"


As soon as I stepped out of the house, it was freezing. The winter wind blew against my coat. I quickly walked all the way to school, hoping I wouldn't be late. Not that I ever am.

When I was inside, I felt so relieved. It was nice and warm. No wind. The only problems were the huge crowds.

I always try to avoid getting caught up in them. I'm always hiding behind my hair, trying not to look at anyone. While I was walking, I tripped and fell forward. Someone had caught me.

"Whoa, you Ok?"

I looked up. The guy who had caught me had hazelnut eyes, jet black hair and a light complexion. The thing that distracted me the most was his smile. It put me in a trance.

"I'm fine, thank you! And you are?"

"Jake! Jake Walker! What's your name?"

"I-I'm Carrie!" I stammered

I got really shy. I'm pretty sure I was blushing because he laughed and said, "Cool! Catch ya later. "

He walked away. Instantly, I forgot that I had to go to class. I forgot that the bell just rang and that I was being pushed to class. All I concentrated on was the smile on his face that I will never forget.


It was time for science class. As always, I sat in the back row so I wouldn't attract attention to myself. The teacher entered a few minutes later.

"Class, we have a new student this year! Please welcome, Jake!" he said.

When I heard that name I froze. Jake! As in the same guy I bumped into this morning! No, it couldn't be! But it was! As soon as he entered, I recognized him. He saw me staring and smiled. I guess he remembered me too. I blushed. Where was he gonna sit? A small part of me hoped it would be with me but that was impossible.

"Where do you want to sit, Jake?" he asked him.

"I think I'll sit in the back row with her!" he said while pointing towards me.

I was shocked. Out of all the people in the classroom, he chose to sat with me. I instantly felt a blush coming to my cheeks.

He walked towards the back row, pulled out the chair next to me and plopped down onto it.

"Hey! It's Carrie right? It's good to see we're in the same class! " he said.

I can't believe he believe he remembered my name. I turned away trying to hide the smile coming to my lips.

"Class, I'll now pass out the assignments and tell you who you're assigned partners are!" said our teacher.

After he passed put the worksheets he told us one by one who we were paired up with. As always, I was the last one left. The only other person was...

"Carrie, you'll be paired up with Jake!"

I knew it. I was happy for some reason. Jake probably wasn't but when I looked at him, I saw him smiling like he was happy to be my partner. Hopefully, he wouldn't just use me to get a good grade. I hate it when people do that. Hopefully, he'll be different.


After school was over, Jake came up to me and said,

"Carrie! Wait up!"

I turned around and listened to what he wanted to say.

"So, I was wondering that since we're partners we could work on this assignment at my place!"

"Sure! I'd love too!" I said.

I was excited. I really wanted to see where he lived.

"Cool! Let's go!"

We went to the school parking lot. He stopped near a black BMW.

"Wow! Is this your car?" I asked.

"Yup! Got this baby last year cause of my awesome grades!" he answered.

He looked proud. And kind of cute!

"Get in!"

We both got in and drove off. It was the first time I was going to someone's house in a while. This was gonna be fun!


Hey! This is the first story I've ever written so I hope you liked it! Please love, vote and comment! Thanks!

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