Chapter 15

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I wake up and groan, my head is pounding. I look next to me to find an empty spot where Mark use to reside. A spark of panic strikes up in me, causing me to hurry from my bed and bolt downstairs.

"MARK?! MARK?!" I check his study. It's empty. No gun on the table. It's like... It never happened. I rush to the kitchen and see Mark and Richard laughing, as they dance around making breakfast. Mark looks to me and smiles slightly.

"Ah, Ryland! You're awake. We made eggs and sausage and toast. Fresh squeezed orange juice and..."

I growl. "YOU CAN'T DO THAT! I WOKE UP AND YOU WEREN'T THERE! IT SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME, MARK! YOU CANT JUST RUN OFF LIKE LAST NIGHT YOU WEREN'T READY TO BLOW YOUR BRAINS OUT! YOU CAN'T IGNORE THIS!!" I yell, tearing up. Mark's face turns red as Richard slowly starts to walk out of the kitchen.

"Look. What I did was wrong, but I'm okay now. We are okay now!" He says, plastering on a huge smile.

"No, we aren't! You almost killed yourself! You have been hiding so much from me! You never told me you had a gun!"

"Should I have to tell you that?!" He yells, setting down the spatula in his hand. He sighs "I keep one or two weapons in the house for my protection. I am a rich man, Ryland. If anything gets past my security. I have a house and people I need to protect." 

"Why do you tell me to call you master?" I say lowly.

Mark laughs slightly "Because. You are mine, and..."

"Richard called you it." I say bitterly. Mark's face quickly turns to anger.

"He did what?!" 

"I HAVE HEARD AT LEAST THREE OF YOUR OLD STAFF CALL YOU THAT. AND ONE YOU DATED! HOW MANY OTHER STAFF DID YOU FUCK BEFORE ME MARK, HUH?! AM I JUST A....just a... Notch in your belt?" I whisper out, rubbing my arm as I look down. Tears whelm in my eyes quickly, one gently running down my face.

"Ryland, you aren't like the others. Please understand. Before you, I did not understand love. I didn't understand being in love and wanting to protect and love somebody. I never forced anyone to do anything but... I have slept with misters and mistresses of the manor before. Yes. Since the day I met you. I haven't slept with anyone else. I just want you." He says softly.

"What about Richard?" I cross my arms over my chest and see him shift in discomfort. "Oh my God, Mark, that's sick."

"I was LONELY! I did things I regret now. Me and Richard weren't... We weren't what I have with you. No one was ever how I felt about you!" He yells, laughing in fear. "You are different."

"He warned me about you. Why did he warn me about you? Richard was the mister of your manor for so long. He is your age and handsome and dapper. He is very committed to you. He has pledged loyal service to you since you first bought the manor. You are hiding something big from me, Mark. I can feel it."

He looks down and sighs bitterly, pouring himself a pot of coffee. "He is just protecting you like he protected her."

I feel my stomach curdle. Her? There is another one!? Of course there is. There are probably several. "Her?"

Mark pour me a cup of coffee and slides it to me. "A few year ago, I employed a mistress of the manor. The most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She had the longest long natural red hair. And bright teal eyes. She caught my eyes from the second she walked in. Curvy, smart, sexy beyond belief. I wanted her. But as a young man I was far more... In taste. I preferred a more dominant and submissive relationship. She did as I said and wouldn't question me. The people in the manor started to notice this. Including Richard. He tried to convince her to leave for her own safety. But her infatuation with me had become fear and obsession. It became almost inhumane the way she grovelled to me. She became a slave of sexual obedience. At the time I loved it. But I quickly grew uneasy with it. So I made her leave. She stops by every now and then. But she has never gotten better. At least not around me."

I feel a shiver go up my spine, my mouth is dry and I feel a knot in my stomach like I'm about to vomit. "That... Is disgusting. I.... I wanna see her." I say sternly.

"What? No, you..." Mark starts but I quickly interrupt him.

"You want to marry me, then I need to see the way she acts towards you myself. I need to see how bad being with you for long enough could get. I want her here by this evening. Or I am leaving." I finish off my coffee and set the cup in the sink.

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