Chapter 6

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10 Years Ago

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10 Years Ago

Jungkook woke up to the fresh breezing blowing on his face, it smelt rather minty.

He opened his eyes and locked eyes with his non other best friend, Kim Taehyung.

"Why are you here so early?" Jungkook squeaked, turning his body away from the older who stared at him.

"Your mom said to get you out of bed, she also called you lazy." Taehyung giggled, box smile appearing.

"I-is my father back?" Jungkook whispered. Taehyung muttered a no with a shake of his head.

"I don't think he'll ever be cured Taehyungie." Jungkook choked out, the older knowing that he was crying.

"Don't cry, Kookie. He'll make it, okay?" Taehyung sat down next to the younger, stroking his hair.

"It's m-my fault. What if- what if he ends up hating me, Taehyungie?"

"It is not your fault. Don't say that, you how upset that makes me and your mom when you blame yourself." Taehyung pouts, still stroking the younger's hair.

"I just miss him.." Jungkook muttered.

"I know. Wanna ask your mom if we can go visit him today?" Taehyung suggested. Jungkook nodded and rose from the bed.

At the hospital, Jungkook greeted a few elders who he usually seen in the waiting room when he came to visit his father. Taehyung would simply wave, which the elders smiled at.

Jungkook's mother requested a visit for the father, the nurse at the desk face dropping.

"Mr. Jeon cannot have any visitors at the moment. May I ask your relationship with him?"

"I'm his wife." She said sternly.

"O-oh, follow me then. Your sons can wait in the kids room down there."

The nurse thought Taehyung was her son, cute.

Mrs. Jeon guided the kids to the play room and then told them she'd be quick, and left.

"Sucks that we can't see him." Taehyung said watching the younger kids play with crayons and coloring books.


All of the kids turned their attention to the wailing boy who entered the room with a tall man.

"I want my sissy! I don't like you!" He began kicking the man.

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