HopeKook's Story

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The young couple had only been together for about 7 months

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The young couple had only been together for about 7 months. After Hoseok and Taehyung tried a relationship which they realized was a overly toxic one. Since Taehyung still wanted to play around with others and Hoseok looking for a long relationship.

On Jungkook's 17th birthday, the older had kissed him, Jungkook kissing back. That night the younger panicked knowing his best friend had broken up with the other 5 months prior to their kiss.

After Jungkook and Taehyung talked about it with no lies during the conversation, Taehyung told him it was alright. Jungkook still feeling guilty had made Hoseok work for it.

And here they were, Jungkook and Hoseok currently cuddled up. After the funeral the older was quiet all the way back to Jungkook's house.

His grandparents knew Hoseok wasn't feeling it today so they allowed him to stay at Jungkook's. Besides the younger's mom was out at the moment so it was a perfect silence.

As Jungkook ran his hands through the older's dampish hair, Hoseok rubbed his hand up and down Jungkook's thigh. The younger knew it tickled but didn't bother saying anything, knowing Hoseok needed his warmth.

Switching positions after awhile, Jungkook underneath the older, with the other's head resting on his belly. also Hoseok's arms securely around his small waist.

"Talk to me bub," Jungkook whispered. He giggled softly at the shapes he made with Hoseok's now dried hair.

"I don't want to talk.." The older replied, shutting his eyes tightly.

"I know today is a hard day, but I don't want you sitting in the dark alone when we have to leave each other later." He sat up, Hoseok pulled him back down to which made Jungkook bang his head on the armrest.

"Owi- damn" He rubbed the back of his head. No sorry?

Jungkook pushed the older off gently ignoring his groan, to go get him hot cocoa, because who could say no to that hot, and delicious chocolate drink?

Pretty rainy out there, Jungkook thought when passing the living room window. The whether always rains on a funeral day. It's like the sky is crying, or the person who passed is sad because they have to say goodbye.

He pulled open the top cabinet and looked around for the hot chocolate packets, too bad they were out of them. Damnit.

When Jungkook walked back into the living room, Hoseok was sitting up with his head in his hands. He walked over to the older and put his hand on his shoulder, Hoseok hitting the younger's hand off.

"Why'd you do that?" Jungkook got up taken aback.

"I don't want to be fucking touched." Hoseok rasped. He was on the verge of crying, Jungkook can tell.

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