Chapter 20

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Taehyung took the younger home after calming him down, knowing he still wanted to talk to him when they got settled

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Taehyung took the younger home after calming him down, knowing he still wanted to talk to him when they got settled.

"Come on, you're not sleeping on the couch. We have a bed for a reason." Taehyung says helping the younger to the bedroom.

Taehyung decided he to help him undress as well. He began taking off Jungkook's shirt then taking off his pants. Jungkook usually only slept in a tank and shorts but tonight Taehyung didn't feel like looking for the clothes.

"Taehyungie lay with me."

"I will. But let me change," Jungkook nods turning over in the covers to watch the older. He doesn't even notice he's smiling until Taehyung smiles back.

Taehyung groans dramatically while sliding in the bed next to Jungkook, curling into the covers as well.

"You're so beautiful." Taehyung whispers staring at Jungkook's features.

"S-stop," He says hiding his face in his hands.

"Stop what? You're just full of pure beauty, I can't help it." Taehyung removes the younger's hands by force before attacking him with kisses.

Jungkook giggles from the kisses that end up tickling his face. Taehyung stops ending it by giving the younger a quick peck. Jungkook smiles, his eyes crinkling.

Taehyung gives him another kiss, for being cute as he says after he pulls away. But Jungkook moves closer on his side attaching their lips together for a third time, this time becoming more intimate.

Taehyung grabs onto Jungkook's hips pulling him closer, their crotches rubbing against each other.

Jungkook moans into Taehyung's mouth when the older slots his leg in between his thighs accidentally hitting his bulge.

Jungkook sits on Taehyung's lap still under the covers, the older placing his hands and finding them resting right on the place he calls home: Jungkook's ass.

Jungkook begins moving back and forth creating friction for them, squeezing his eyes shut when he can feel Taehyung's cock slide between his ass.

"F-fuck, take these off." Taehyung pulls at the waistband of his boxers, the part slapping Jungkook back.

Jungkook obeys sliding them off along with sliding down Taehyung's pants and boxers. He gets right back on Taehyung's lap finding it comfortable there.

"I want you to make love to me." Jungkook whispers in Taehyung's ear. Taehyung removes his shirt and the blanket off of their bodies face red from the request. "Please."

"Anything for you, baby"

Taehyung trails his finger down the opening Jungkook's body shuddering at the feeling of his cold fingertip.

"If it hurts, tell me to stop. Okay?"


Taehyung takes his small yes into his mind and pushes in a finger all the way, Jungkook biting his lip to hold in any noises. Taehyung then adds another finger and pushes in and out.

"Ohmygosh, Tae, keep going."

"I can't let you get out to only this, now can I?" Jungkook's head drops on the bed ass still up. He then feels drool pooling out his parted mouth a little.

Taehyung stops opening the younger and looks for lube and a condom. Jungkook hears the condom wrapper so he turns his head quick as he can before Taehyung can slide it on.

"No! I mean- n-no condom."

"Okay, baby." Taehyung smiles understanding that Jungkook wants to feel everything from the heart.

"Are you clean?" Jungkook asks.

"Of course I am."

"Good, so am I." Taehyung chuckles, patting Jungkook on the butt telling him to straddle him.

"Does Taehyung want me to ride him?" Taehyung's ears perk up at that a smirk rising on his face.

"Does Jungkookie think he can do that all by himself?"

"Yes," Taehyung raises his eye brow patting his thighs so Jungkook could sit comfortably.

Jungkook straddles the older grinding down before actually sliding his warm slick cock in himself.

"Oh- f-fuck," Jungkook whispers trying not to moan.

Both Taehyung and Jungkook throws their head back when Jungkook starts bouncing.

Taehyung groans when Jungkook brings his head back up to hide it in his neck and giving him as much love bites he can give.

"Are you getting tired?" Taehyung asks noticing Jungkook slow down.

Taehyung kisses his forehead turning them over, pulling out Jungkook whining at the loss of connection.

Jungkook lays on his back as Taehyung stands, pulling Jungkook closer before pounding back in. The younger lets out the loudest moan ever when he hits the spot too quick for him to catch up.

"Ha, sorry about that." Taehyung apologizes. Jungkook pulls him down by the neck to bring him in for a loving kiss. Taehyung hums into it and begins moving, swallowing Jungkook's moans and whimpers.

"I-i love you," Jungkook chokes out.

Taehyung tries to find the courage to say it back, but he can't. He knows he'll say one day, just not right now. And Jungkook understands that.

805 words.

bye honeys 🍯

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bye honeys 🍯

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