Chapter 17

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•triggering scenes

Sleeping against a window might have not been such a great idea

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Sleeping against a window might have not been such a great idea. The neck pains and the marks on Taehyung's face would explain a lot.

Noticing a good smell creeping from under his door, which actually woke him, he decided to see what it was.

He may have regretted it now knowing who was the cause of the smell. His mother. She was placing two pancakes on a plate, which was across from two other plates on the table.

Taehyung turned around and walked right back upstairs. He wasn't talking to her anytime soon. But then he thought about his father's words.

"She's still your mother, whether you acknowledge it or not."

Just him saying that got the poor boy frustrated. He doesn't even know why the place let her come back home. He was abused by her, mentally and physically. Taehyung was only 7 when she started. He'll never forget the day when she was taken away.

14 years ago.

"Taehyung," She gritted out as she yanked his hair to get him to look her in the eyes, the young boy whimpering at the pain, "I thought I told you to stop snitching and tell that boy about what goes on in this house."

"W-what do you mean?" His mother sighed, her grip loosing before yanking it harder. Taehyung cried out, afraid if she pulled harder he'd have a bald spot.

"You know what I mean boy. That little boy you be hanging with. You in love or something?" She chuckled bitterly. Taehyung shook his head terrified. "Good. I don't want you turning into like the homosexual he is."

Taehyung wished he wasn't crying right now. She always hated when he cried. Said it made him look like a bitch.

"What did I tell you about crying? Be a man!" She shouted pushing the boy back causing him to stumble until he hit the wooden floor. Taehyung tried so hard to cry harder but he did and louder.

His mother quickly ran over to him and began beating the life out of him. No mercy what so ever. What kind of mother would do that to a child.

The door opened ever so quickly and next thing Taehyung barely saw was his mother on the ground. His vision was blurry. Nose bloody, split lip from earlier, his head was beating.

He was being picked up from the ground, in the arms of his father. The one he could count on in life other than Jungkook. He was being saved. God answered his prayers.


After all that why is she able to live here and be treated normally? Taehyung couldn't breathe the memories were flooding in.

He rushed over to his phone to type out a quick help to whoever was his recent. It was Jungkook. The younger had wished him a goodnight with a cute message along with it. Taehyung must have fallen asleep before it.

He needed to get out this house. He didn't end up texting Jungkook, instead he dashed down the stairs bolting out before anyone could stop him. He knocked on the door repeatedly hoping someone could answer soon.

"Oh, Taehyung. What a surprise to see you dear. Are you alright? You seem quite jumpy." Mrs. Jeon said worriedly.

"Um, is Jungkook here? I kind of need him right now." He didn't mean to ignore her greeting, he just really in need of his best friend.

"He's upstairs. Are you okay, dear?" She asked again. He shook his head no, she understood letting him in the house.

Taehyung rushed through the house stumbling up the stairs. Tears already threatening to come out just by the thought of the memories still lingering. He jostled the door open, scaring the younger who was on his laptop.

"Taehyungie?" Taehyung stopped and looked the younger in the eyes before bursting out in tears. Jungkook closed his laptop and rushed over to the older and pulled him into his arms, closing the door behind him.

Jungkook sat them on his bed, pulling Taehyung closer than before. He control the sound of his wailing, uncontrollably sobbing almost making Jungkook cry from seeing him hurt this bad.

A few minutes of letting him let go, he finally calmed down a bit. Jungkook ran his fingers through the older's hair and Taehyung simply lay in his arms loving the warmth.

"Want to talk about it now?" Jungkook whispered in the soothingly voice he had.

"No," Taehyung muttered in a small voice. The younger understood placing his chin on Taehyung's head.

Taehyung rose his head wanting to wipe his eyes. He grabbed the tissue box on Jungkook's nightstand and did so.

Jungkook followed Taehyung's every movement with his eyes before Taehyung caught him off guard with his lips.

He was confused but didn't want to pull away. Taehyung needed this. He placed his hand on the older's cheek the soft skin mixing with his. Taehyung leaned into the touch, grabbing ahold of the younger's waist and pulling him on his lap leaving the space in between them.

Jungkook mewled into the kiss once Taehyung pushed his tongue in. They pulled away for a quick second before attaching their lips again.

If this was how Taehyung wanted help then Jungkook would give it to him. He loved him so much he didn't care he wants the older to feel the same way.

Even if they weren't officially clear with their feelings.
912 words.


bye honeys🍯

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bye honeys🍯

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