Chapter 24

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As the movie finished, Jungkook noticed everyone getting tired so he decided it was time to get everyone up and energized

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As the movie finished, Jungkook noticed everyone getting tired so he decided it was time to get everyone up and energized.

He got up from the couch and stood in front of the credits scrolling on the screen, and rested his hands on his hips.

"Okay everyone, wake your asses up!" He talked in a loud voice, everyone sitting groaned and buried their heads in between pillows.

Jimin threw a pillow at the younger who ended up throwing it back, then tackling him on the sofa.

"Okay, so I want this to be special.." Jungkook said getting up from playing.

He left to the bedroom really quick and came back holding a rectangular box wrapped in pretty paper.

"This is for my Taehyungie, who has been my best friend for years and the love of my life. But tonight I wanted to make this, us official if you'll let me.." Jungkook stared into the older's glossy eyes.

Taehyung stared back at Jungkook. The thought: i'm so in fucking love, racing through his mind at the moment. Fuck were these tears?

Taehyung wiped his face and got up to pull his baby into his arms. "You're too cute for this, baby."

"Of course I'll let you make it official." The friends sitting down watching began clapping and cheering for the couple, who held each other like there was no tomorrow.

"Oh my god, thank you. I love you." Jungkook announced.

"And I love you, bub." Taehyung said back.

Jungkoook handed him the gift, putting his nervous hands in his pockets as he watched the older examine it.

"Ooo did Jungkookie get me a gift?" He teased as he opened it.

It was a necklace, a name necklace at that. The name 'tete' on it. A name Jungkook used to call him when they were little.

"I love it, oh my gosh. Its beautiful," Taehyung held it delicately in his hand. He gestured for Jungkook to help him wear it, which he did.

"You guys are too cute, stop it. My heart hurts." Seokjin spoke up. Namjoon hit him arm playfully and laughed.

Looking away from his brother, he caught Jimin staring at him so he smiled at the male. The younger looking away with a bright blush on his face.

"Gay!" Hoseok yelled out in a joking way.

"Shut up, you're literally a gay icon," Taehyung said back.

"Oh why thank you for that compliment, good sir." The older replied.

"You two are a mess," Jungkook snorted, shaking his head.


Later after everyone left, which was around 12am, Jungkook and Taehyung decided to sit in a bath together for an hour and then cuddle in bed.

"I'm never going to stop saying this, so I love you hyungie." Jungkook whispered tracing outlines of Taehyung's chest.

"I love you as well and I live for you to say that. It's like music to my ears, that I'll never get tired of." Taehyung whispered, kissing Jungkook's forehead.

A sigh was heard from the younger, Taehyung looked down seeing him shut his eyes shut slowly as he fell asleep.

"So, so beautiful. You're an angel sent from above and I'll never get over it. I'm going to marry that pretty ass of yours. Oh yeah, that ass can have my kids. Imagine if you could get pregnant, I'd impregnate you every time I could." Taehyung rambled non sense as the younger fully fell asleep after awhile.

"Fuck I'm so in love, it's so overwhelming. But it's worth it now that it's with you. I hope Yoongi finds love, but something already tells me he did. I'm happy for whatever happens with them. I hope Hoseok treats him right." He continued.

"God, what did I do in my past life to earn this? Thank you for letting me meet my baby." He finished as he dozed off with Jungkook clinging onto him.

Never will he, no they both go without thanking God for allowing them to meet back all those years.

True love.
668 words.
So. okay, this was a journey. I started this book off with NO purpose whatsoever, but the attention it got makes me so thankful for everything and encouraged me to continue on with the growing plot.

Y'all are my motivation, although my updates started getting shorter and late. I still thank each and every one of you for staying and waiting.

I took a lot of breaks because of life, but with this book and the readers helped me come back onto wattpad.

Speaking of that, I do have a new book that I might be publishing.

Thank you again to each and every one of you I LOVE YOU<3

Thank you again to each and every one of you I LOVE YOU<3

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taekook babie🥰

thank you, until next time.

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